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10 Good Habits against Winter Viruses!

10 Good Habits against Winter Viruses!

Winter is fast approaching. At the end of autumn, we are already afraid of them... Ten essential actions exist to fight winter viruses naturally and free of charge:I'll give them to you right away!

I quote you some winter viruses at random:flu, gastroenteritis, bronchitis, nasopharyngitis... tiring illnesses and not all trivial . It is best to avoid them. as much as possible!

They are respiratory viruses . Here is the list of what can transmit them to us:sputters, sneezes, coughs, saliva, contaminated objects, confined air, infected hands...

To great evils, therefore, the small daily remedies !

1. I air the whole house

In order to avoid confined air, which keeps and spreads viruses, I air every room in the house every day. It becomes healthier .

2. Everyone to the hand wash

All family members wash their hands several times a day, with liquid soap, rubbing for at least thirty seconds. We do not forget between the fingers and under the fingernails .

3. I use disposable tissues

I have a runny nose ? When in doubt, I avoid keeping too many nasty microbes , that I would give back to myself by blowing my nose several times in the same handkerchief. Paper tissues and one use per tissue.

4. We shake hands less

Viruses pass through the hands. I'm careful not to squeeze too much, if I meet a patient I also avoid kissing him. A small wave of the hand or a friendly wink will do the trick for a few days!

5. We do not share personal effects

I use my computer,my keyboard, not my colleague's. The worst virus distributor is here. I drink in my glass, my friends in theirs.

6. I avoid crowded places if I can

I feel screwed up? Or do I know that a virus is lying around these days? If I can, I don't take public transport , nor go to shopping malls for a few days. If I can't help it, I'm careful what I touch, and I wash my hands twice as often.

7. I change my diet

I take vitamins the most possible. I also favor herbal teas based on linden and lavender. I avoid fast sugars and prefer slow sugars .

8. I sleep

I'm like hibernating animals:I need more rest . I try to listen to my body well, and give it a few extra hours of sleep whenever I can.

9. I dress against the cold

I choose warm outfits, but not too much. I put on several layers . A vest over a blouse allows me to take off or put on a garment if I'm hot or cold. 20° at home, sometimes it's 22° at the office, 0° outside, it can be disturbing. When I'm outside, I cover the "extremities well ":head, hands, feet.

10. I say stop stress

I pay attention to my mood. Stress, I evacuate it, and I play sports if my schedule allows me. A healthy body and a peace of mind , nothing better!

If it is necessary to "cure"

Despite my precautions, a virus entered the house. I continue my daily gestures, and in addition, I think about cleaning and disinfecting:

- the pillows

- computer keyboards

- remote controls

- the door handles...

Here are 10 easy-to-follow free tips. There are others, of course! We can discuss it via the comments!