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Digestive Disorders:Settled in 5 min with Lemon Essential Oil.

Digestive Disorders:Settled in 5 min with Lemon Essential Oil.

In winter, we tend to eat a little heavier than habit, to keep warm.

Tartiflette, raclette, potatoes and melted cheese:and the digestive problems that go with it.

Fortunately, lemon essential oil is here...

But what to do after these good meals with the stomach calling you to order? Here is my answer, anyway what works for me.

How can I fix my digestive problems?

We have often been told:"don't eat too much fat". Not only to keep the line, but also not to feel flagada at the end of the meal. And this feeling of nausea that grips me is far from pleasant... That's when my neighbor at the table snaps me out of my daydreams to say:"Lemon! Lemon essential oil Laura! ".

Lemon essential oil to relieve my stomach

At first not understanding anything, I asked him for further explanations. This is where I learned that lemon essential oil had soothing virtues after a heavy meal.

To relieve a feeling of nausea or to facilitate a digestion that is a little too heavy, just take a sugar and put a single drop of lemon essential oil so that everything disappears.

The properties of lemon essential oil

It has many virtues, but for what interests us here, know that it is used against motion sickness , as well as for hepatic and digestive insufficiencies light. It is also sovereign against nausea and difficult digestion.

That should make my digestive nap go away...I might not go for a jog, but maybe I'll be able to hit the dance floor later, light as a feather (or almost).

And you, what do you do to facilitate heavy digestion? Did you know this trick? Share your secrets in the comments.