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My 2 Ingenious Tricks to Reduce Food Portions.

My 2 Ingenious Tricks to Reduce Food Portions.

We often eat more than we really need! Consequence:we have a stomach ache and we complain of having eaten too much! Don't worry, there are a few tricks to reduce the portions on your plate without realizing it.

Hunger admits a great deal of psychology. We have already noticed that our children are attracted to funny dishes and this whets their appetite. For adults, it's the same, it is possible to deceive their psyche.

1. We're reducing the size of the plates!

By opting for a smaller plate, it is very likely that the usual portions will be reduced. According to American researchers, a large plate would influence us to serve ourselves up to a third more food.

Logic ? Yes, of course, since for the same quantity of food, a small plate will look fuller and fuller than a large plate.

2. We bring out the big game of colors!

Unlike children for whom cheerful colors rhyme with better appetite, the colors of the tablecloth or the plate would rather influence adults to consume less food.

In fact, it's a matter of contrasts between the plate and the dish it contains. This contrast can reduce food consumption by 21%. Not negligible at all. And if in addition the tablecloth is matched to the plate (of the same color) then the effects would be even more impressive.

Worth a try, isn't it? Our stomach will only be happier and certainly our line too!

Do you know any other tips for changing someone's eating behavior? Come and share them with us in the comments.

Savings Achieved

Even if financial savings are not the primary purpose of this trick, we can still talk about it. Reducing 1/3 of your food portions also means reducing almost 1/3 of your monthly food shopping. So, for me, nearly €40 in savings per month.