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Influenza status:What to do to fight better?

Influenza status:What to do to fight better?

A little effective grandmother's remedy to quickly cure a flu-like state is champagne. It contains properties that help you heal very quickly.

You feel tired, headaches are handicapping you, once it's hot and once cold, don't ask yourself any more questions, you have all the symptoms of a future flu

You don't have to wait to be really sick to get treatment. From the first signs, there are several radical remedies.

Among these, sweetened hot champagne is the most original. And classy.

It is its richness in tannins that will allow your antibodies to be very effective if you add sugar to the drink.

To concoct this magic potion , pour the champagne into a saucepan with the two sugar cubes. Heat everything until the champagne simmers.

Wait for the mixture to cool a little before swallowing it. You can then go to sleep soundly.

This is a rather original remedy. Share with all the smart ones, your original grandmother's remedies to fight the flu in the comments section.


These home remedies are very simple to make and often work very well. They are cheaper than drugs, which are not as natural.

Champagne is certainly not the cheapest drink, but it is not mandatory to use a good bottle for this trick to work.

Once cured, all you have to do is celebrate with champagne!