Want to make your homemade hydroalcoholic gel?
It's true that you don't always find it in pharmacies or on the Internet!
And when there are, they are overpriced... But don't panic!
We have selected for you 10 recipes to make homemade hydroalcoholic gel and disinfect your hands .
Don't worry, these recipes are easy and effective in killing a broad spectrum of bacteria and viruses including coronavirus . Watch:
This recipe is one of the most effective. The action of antibacterial and antiviral essential oils combined with alcohol helps fight bacteria and viruses.
- 50 ml organic aloe vera gel
- 10 ml of 90° alcohol
- 10 drops of tea tree essential oil
- 8 drops of ravintsara essential oil
- 8 drops of peppermint EO
- pump bottle
- stainless steel bowl
Pour the alcohol into the bowl and add the essential oils. Mix well then pour the aloe vera gel. Mix again to have a homogeneous gel. And transfer your solution into a pump bottle.
You can keep your gel for 6 months, away from light and heat.
If you don't have 90% alcohol, you can substitute it with vodka.
- 30 ml of vodka
- 60 ml of aloe vera gel
- 16 drops of tea tree essential oil
- 8 drops of lavender essential oil
- bottle
Fill the bottle with 1/3 of vodka. Add essential oils and aloe vera gel to fill the bottle. Mix well.
You can replace the vodka with hydroalcoholic extract of witch hazel.
Even at 70°, alcohol is already effective in eliminating a large number of bacteria and viruses. Here is the easy recipe:
- 10 ml of 70% alcohol
- 10 ml vegetable oil (olive or sweet almond oil)
- 50 ml of aloe vera gel
- 15 drops of tea tree essential oil
- container
- bottle
In a clean container, mix in this order:the alcohol, the vegetable oil and the essential oils, then the aloe vera gel. Transfer your gel to a bottle for convenient use.
Ravintsara essential oil and eucalyptus radiata oil have recognized antiviral and anti-infectious properties.
- 30 ml of aloe vera gel
- 5 ml vegetable oil (jojoba, flax, sesame)
- 20 drops of ravintsara essential oil
- 20 drops of radiant eucalyptus essential oil
- 15 ml of alcohol at 70° or 90°
- container
- bottle
In a clean container, pour the alcohol, the essential oils and then the vegetable oil. Mix well. And add the aloe vera gel and stir again. Pour your gel into the bottle.
Rosemary verbenone essential oil is anti-infectious and particularly antiviral. With lavender and rosemary essential oil, your hand sanitizer gel smells of Provence!
- 1 tablespoon of alcohol at 70°
- 1 tablespoon of glycerin
- 3 tablespoons of aloe vera gel
- 23 drops of lavender essential oil
- 9 drops of verbenone rosemary essential oil
- bottle
Pour the alcohol into the disinfected bottle. Add the glycerin, the aloe vera gel then the essential oils. Close the bottle and shake.
Another shock trio to fight viruses:70° alcohol, tea tree essential oil, eucalyptus essential oil! And with lemon essential oil, we have an additional advantage. Essential oils rich in monoterpenes such as lemon have antimicrobial properties.
- 25 ml of aloe vera
- 20 ml of 70% alcohol
- 6 drops of tea tree essential oil
- 6 drops of eucalyptus essential oil
- 6 drops of geranium essential oil
- 6 drops of lavender essential oil
- 6 drops of lemon essential oil
- bottle
Put your aloe vera gel in the bottle. Pour in the alcohol and add all the essential oils, in the order you want. Close the bottle and shake it.
Without alcohol, this recipe has the advantage of being gentler on the hands.
- 45 ml organic aloe vera gel
- 1 teaspoon of vegetable glycerin
- 10 drops of tea tree essential oil
- 8 drops of palmarosa essential oil
- 8 drops of true lavender essential oil
- bottle
- container
Put the glycerin and aloe vera gel in the container. Mix then add the essential oils. Mix again and pour your gel into the bottle.
No alcohol here either! But broad-spectrum antibacterial tea tree essential oil. In addition, it is antiviral and strengthens immunity.
- 40 ml of aloe vera gel
- 10 ml vegetable oil (olive, almond, jojoba...)
- 20 drops of tea tree essential oil
- bottle
- container
Pour the aloe vera gel into the bottle. In another container, mix essential oil and vegetable oil. Pour the oils into the bottle. Close it and shake to mix.
Another gentle recipe without alcohol for the skin and ruthless with bacteria and viruses!
- 5 ml of aloe vera gel
- 1 tablespoon of witch hazel floral water
- 12 drops of tea tree essential oil
- 7 drops of fine lavender essential oil
- container
- bottle
Mix aloe vera gel with essential oils in a container. Pour the floral water and mix. Then pour your lotion into the bottle.
The advantage of this disinfectant gel is that it can be used by the whole family. Lemon balm hydrosol is a purifier and a tonic.
- 34 ml of lemon balm hydrosol
- 0.8g xanthan gum
- 17 ml of 70% alcohol
- container
- bottle
Pour the lemon balm hydrosol into a container. While stirring regularly, add the xanthan gum little by little. Let the mixture sit for a few minutes. Mix again to have a homogeneous solution. If there are any lumps, heat the mixture in a bain-marie. Mix and transfer your gel into the bottle.
The World Health Organization (WHO) has published on its website the "local production guide for hydroalcoholic solutions".
This is a recipe for making a hydroalcoholic gel as effective as those you can buy on the market. For this you need 96% ethanol, hydrogen peroxide and glycerol.
Not easy to find these ingredients! But you can replace ethanol with alcohol for spirits. Hydrogen peroxide is hydrogen peroxide. And glycerol (or glycerin) can be found in pharmacies or organic stores.
- 833 ml of alcohol
- 42 ml of hydrogen peroxide
- 15 ml of glycerin
In a clean graduated container, pour the alcohol, the hydrogen peroxide and add the glycerin. Add water until you get one liter of solution.
But even if you have the ingredients on hand, don't try to make this recipe at home!
It can be very dangerous. There is a risk of combustion or explosion.
Place a little of your antibacterial gel in the palm of your hand.
Then rub your hands together passing between the fingers and on the back of the hand.
Continue for 15-30 seconds.
Do not rinse your hands! It is a no-rinse sanitizing hand gel.
- Aloe vera gel is a moisturizing and antiseptic base. Its benefits for the skin are numerous:it is also bactericidal, anti-inflammatory and antifungal.
- Vegetable glycerin is a moisturizing agent, just like vegetable oils.
- The essential oils used for these recipes are powerful and active. They have recognized antiviral and antibacterial properties.
- Alcohol eliminates a broad spectrum of bacteria. It complements the action of essential oils. But it is better to choose alcohol at 90° for maximum efficiency (never below 60°). The association with essential oils kills viruses and bacteria.
Be aware, however, that these hand sanitizer gels will never be as effective as those used in hospitals. But they will nevertheless limit the risk of contamination.
- Before you start making your hand gel, remember to disinfect the equipment:work surface, bottle, container...
- These gel recipes are not effective if your hands are wet. You must have your hands very dry before using your homemade disinfectant gel.
- The disinfectant gel does not wash your hands. It is not effective for washing your hands if you have tinkered or gardened. To wash your hands, use soap and water. And follow this method to wash your hands properly and remove both dirt and viruses and bacteria.
- If your hands are soiled with blood, urine or excrement, do not put gel on them to wash them. It's ineffective.
- Do not put gel on an open wound.
- Some of these recipes contain alcohol. They are therefore flammable. So do not bring them close to a flame. Smokers should be especially careful.
- Avoid contact with eyes. Do not put gel on your hands before touching your contact lenses.
- It is a practical one-time alternative solution when you travel to disinfect and sanitize your hands. But be aware that not all bacteria on the surface of the skin are bad. Some are useful for ensuring our natural immune defense. That's why you shouldn't use it too often or for too long.
- Frequent hand washing dries out the skin. Use a moisturizer to restore your softness to your hands.
Please note that antibacterial gels containing essential oils are not suitable for pregnant or breastfeeding women, children under 10 and babies. Always seek the advice of your doctor or specialist before using essential oils.