We spend about a third of our lives sleeping.
That, everyone already knew.
But did you know that the position we have while we sleep also has an effect on the quality of our sleep?
Yes, this position has a considerable impact not only on the quality of your sleep...
...but especially on your state of health in general !
Fortunately, there are sleeping positions that can solve and avoid these health problems.
To stop having pain when you wake up, here are the 9 best sleeping positions recommended by specialists . Watch:
Source: Brightside.me
If you happen to wake up with shoulder pain, avoid sleeping on your side , especially on that of the painful shoulder. Also avoid sleeping on your stomach, as this position can lead to misalignment of the shoulders.
The best position for sleeping:lie on your back and place a thin pillow under your head (orthopedic pillows are most recommended). Then, take another pillow, put it on your stomach and hug it between your arms. This is the ideal position because it is the most balanced for the shoulders.
If you don't like sleeping on your back, try lying on your side which is not painful. Then bring the legs slightly towards the chest and slide a pillow between the knees. Know that sleeping with the hand under the head is not recommended, because this position is abnormal for the shoulders.
Source: Brightside.me
If you often have back pain, the most important thing is to maintain the natural curves of your spine. If your mattress is too soft, it's time to replace it with a new one!
Sleeping on your back is by far the most suitable position. To restore the natural curves of the spine and reduce tendon tension, put a pillow under your knees. You can also provide additional support by slipping a small rolled-up towel under your lower back.
If you prefer to sleep on your stomach, so try to slip a pillow under your torso, at the level of the lower abdomen and the pelvis. This position reduces movement of the small of the back.
If you like to sleep on your side, it is best to sleep in the fetal position . Bring the legs slightly towards the chest, while maintaining the curvature of the lower back. Then put a small pillow between your knees. This position will help relieve lower back pain.
Source: Brightside.me
It's exactly like the back. During your sleep, we must ensure that the neck is also well supported.
In general, best is to sleep on your back, with a pillow under your head and a pillow under each arm . Moreover, people suffering from neck pain must be very careful when choosing their pillow. The most recommended are orthopedic pillows and memory foam pillows.
If you prefer to sleep on your side , take care not to sleep with a pillow that is too thick (15 cm maximum). Ideally, the thickness of your pillow should match the width of your shoulder, allowing you to sleep with your neck straight.
If you sleep on your stomach , try using a thin pillow. In case of neck pain, know that it is better to completely avoid sleeping on your stomach. Indeed, this position forces you to sleep with your head turned all night long, which increases muscle tension in the neck. Source.
Source: Brightside.me
A lot of people check their smartphone or computer before bed, but it turns out it's a bad habit that keeps you up at night. In fact, the light from screens disturbs your biological clock.
Avoid caffeinated drinks and foods (such as coffee, energy drinks such as Red Bull, sodas, black tea, Coca-Cola or chocolate), because they interfere with sleep. This is why it is recommended to avoid them at least 6 hours before going to bed.
Exercise in the morning and afternoon. This helps strengthen all the muscles in the body and improve blood circulation. But above all, practicing a sports activity helps you fall asleep much faster.
Source: Brightside.me
Do you tend to wake up often in the middle of the night?
So you should not only avoid using your phone before going to bed, but also avoid drinking alcohol before bed .
Indeed, alcohol disturbs the good water balance of the body and also acts on your sleep cycle. Source.
Also, check the room temperature in which you sleep.
According to this study, the ideal temperature for sleeping is between 20 and 22°C.
To discover: What Is The Ideal Temperature In Each Room In Winter?
Source: Brightside.me
Almost everyone has trouble waking up. But paradoxically, it's one of the easiest problems to solve!
The trick is to simply set your alarm to the same time every day , including weekends.
No need to use 10 different alarms on your smartphone either!
Why ? Because it will just confuse you even more and disrupt your last hour of sleep (the most pleasant!). Check out the trick here.
Last thing, if you want to wake up earlier in the morning, there is no miracle:you just have to go to bed earlier. Source.
Source: Brightside.me
If you tend to snore, avoid sleeping on your back. Indeed, this position favors the sagging of the tissues of the throat, and the tongue falls backwards, which prevents the air from passing correctly.
Choose your pillow carefully. A pillow that is too soft may tilt your head back and increase snoring. To prevent the tongue from sagging backwards, add an extra pillow or, if your bed allows it, raise the head of the bed a few centimeters. Source.
Sleep on your side. Thus, your head is lying in a natural position and nothing obstructs the passage of air in the throat.
Do appropriate exercises. Did you know that it is possible to strengthen the muscles of the tongue and throat by doing exercises? Find out how here.
Source: Brightside.me
Leg cramps are sudden, involuntary contractions of the muscles in the calves, feet, or thighs.
More than 80% of the world's population suffer from this problem, regardless of age.
Most often, leg cramps are a symptom of another illness, nervous system problems, or a lack of trace minerals. If you suffer from leg cramps regularly, talk to your doctor. Source.
A good way to treat leg muscle cramps is to stretch and strengthen the calf muscles . To do this, you can do yoga exercises or massage your legs before going to bed. Know that to be able to reduce leg cramps, you will have to practice these exercises regularly. Source.
Sleep disturbances can be caused by many different factors, such as simple fatigue, shoes that are too tight, or more serious things, such as problems with digestion and the nervous system.
Only a doctor can determine the cause of the problem and advise you on the correct treatment.
Source: Brightside.me
If you regularly have heartburn , it is advisable to fall asleep on the left side. Indeed, sleeping on the left side prevents the contents of the stomach from going up to the esophagus, thus avoiding heartburn. Source.
Do you have pain and aches in your legs at night? Use a bolster or the foot of your bed to elevate your legs while you sleep. This position promotes blood circulation and relieves muscle pain in the legs. Also try lightly massaging your legs before bed, and avoid consuming caffeine at least 6 hours before bedtime. Source.