Nothing more disgusting than a hairbrush full of greasy tangled hair !
Not to mention the white film and other dirt that lines the bottom of the brush...
Frankly, it really does not make you want to comb your hair with it!
But don't bother buying a new brush!
There is a trick to easily clean and disinfect your dirty and greasy hairbrush.
The trick is to soak it in hot water with vinegar . Watch:
1. Close the sink plug.
2. Run hot water through it.
3. Add a glass of white vinegar.
4. Soak the hairbrushes in this mixture.
5. Leave to soak until the water cools.
6. Rinse with clear water.
7. Thanks to the white vinegar, the hair has become slippery and is very easily removed from the brush.
And There you go ! Your hairbrush is now cleaned and disinfected :-)
Easy and quick, right? She is as clean as the 1st day!
No more oily hair and dandruff on your brush.
Not only is your brush clean, but it has been disinfected at the same time thanks to the action of white vinegar.
In addition, thanks to this deep cleaning, the bristles of the brush regain their flexibility and therefore damage your hair less.
This trick also works for combs and makeup brushes.