I don't know about you, but I often talk to myself -same.
Sometimes even without realizing it and out loud!
It allows me to focus more about what I do.
Even better, sometimes talking to myself gives me pretty brilliant ideas .
And as a result, I produce better things!
For example, right now, as I write this article, I am constantly mumbling to myself...
"Think about saying that, add that idea here, don't forget to do that".
Are you talking to yourself?!
Because a recent study showed that those who talk to themselves are not crazy... but they are actually geniuses !
University researcher in psychology, Gary Lupyan conducted an experiment with 20 volunteers.
They were presented with objects and asked to remember them.
Half of them were asked to repeat aloud the name of the object in question (for example "a banana").
And the other half had to remain silent.
In the end, this experiment showed that speech helped participants find faster the set of objects, faster than the others.
And 50 to 100 milliseconds faster.
"A lot of times I mumble to myself the name of what I'm looking for in the fridge or on the supermarket shelves," Gary Lupyan says.
This personal experience led him to conduct this experiment on more people.
Lupyan, in collaboration with another psychologist, Daniel Swigley, managed to prove that those who talk to themselves are smarter than others . Here are the reasons:
When you talk to yourself, you activate your sensory mechanism .
For your memory, everything then becomes easier since you can visualize the word and the thing to which it refers.
And you can act accordingly.
When you say things out loud, you stay focused on your task .
And it helps you immediately define what you are looking for.
Of course, you need to know what the item you are looking for looks like.
For example, a banana is yellow in color, and you know what it looks like.
So, if you say the word "banana" out loud, your brain immediately places an image in your mind.
And that will help guide your research.
But if you don't know what a banana looks like, then there will be no positive effect in saying it out loud.
Each of us tends to have different types of thoughts.
Some make sense, while others don't.
Suppose you are mad at someone and feel like "killing" them. No need to run to a shrink.
No, the solution is to lock yourself in a room and mumble to yourself whatever you want to tell him.
Let go of your anger by talking to yourself, weighing the pros and cons of "killing" this person.
You will see that talking to yourself will quickly calm you down :-)
Indeed, what could be better than expressing your somewhat "silly" ideas to yourself? It's easier than sharing them with someone else...
These types of thoughts are thoughts that you cannot share with others and may seem silly to say.
Psychologist Linda Sapadin thinks:"It helps you clarify your thoughts, see what's most important and make the right decisions ."