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What to do with a wasp sting or bee sting?

What to do with a wasp sting or bee sting?

A wasp sting or bee sting can hurt badly. You should pay attention to this if you are stung.

Is the sting left in the skin?
Sometimes the sting can remain in your skin, in which case it is usually a bee sting. Remove the stinger from your skin as soon as possible. There are special pens, but you probably don't have them to hand. The alternative:if you have long nails, you can put your nails under the sting site, so you can rub the stinger out. You can also use a pass.

Is the sting in mouth or throat? A wasp sting in the throat or mouth is life-threatening. The bump may swell, posing a choking hazard. You can reduce the swelling as much as possible with ice cubes. Do not hesitate and call 112 immediately.

Is the person stung allergic?
Some people have an allergic reaction after a sting. Some react very violently and that can lead to anaphylactic shock. Call 112 immediately.

In other cases, the sting is just annoying and painful. You can cool the spot and possibly treat it with an ointment such as Azaron, AfterBite or Nestosyl.