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7 Minute Workout Method or How to Get in Shape in 7 Min of Exercises.

7 Minute Workout Method or How to Get in Shape in 7 Min of Exercises.

Lack of time to exercise? Here is finally a program made for you!

12 small exercises and 7 minutes a day are enough to see the results on your body.

This is called the "7 Minute Workout" method.

This training was created by 2 Americans who wanted to be able to do sports anywhere, without special equipment.

Scientific studies have shown that these 7 minutes offer results comparable to those of several hours of walking or cycling.

Are you ready to get in shape in 7 minutes a day? Let's go :

7 Minute Workout Method or How to Get in Shape in 7 Min of Exercises.

How to video

1. Jumping Jack (whole body):start standing, arms along the body. Jump up, so that you land standing with your legs apart and your hands clasped above your head. Jump again to regain your starting position.

2. Chair against a wall (lower body):place your back against a wall, thighs parallel to the ground as if you were sitting on a chair. Hold the position, making sure to keep your back flat against the wall and your thighs parallel to the floor.

3. Pumps (upper body):lie on the ground and lift your body with your arms.

4. Abs (abdomen):the most common version is the crunch. On the ground, lying on your back, hands at ear level or crossed on your chest, feet raised or on the ground; the exercise consists of raising the bust by contracting the abdominal muscles.

5. Get on a chair (whole body):start standing facing the chair. Step on it like you would step up a stair. Then go down. Repeat by changing support leg.

6. Squats (lower body):do a series of thigh flexions/extensions. The exercise will be more effective holding dumbbells in your hands, or with a barbell resting on your shoulders.

7. Dips on a chair (upper body):if you are a beginner, do reverse dips. Place your hands on the edge of the chair and your heels on the floor (or on the edge of another chair). Bend your elbows so as to remain suspended, then push on your forearms until your elbows are straightened while exhaling. Return to starting position.

8. Plank (sheathing):put yourself in the same position as for doing push-ups, resting on your forearms. Hold the position.

9. Running in place (whole body):the exercise consists of raising one knee as high as possible, resting it, then doing the same with the other knee.

10. Front lunges (lower body):keeping your torso straight, bring one leg forward and lower it, bending your knee to 90°. Straighten the knee to return to normal position then repeat the movement with the opposite leg.

11. T-pumps (upper body):In the push-up position, arms outstretched, lift one of your hands off the floor and rotate so that your arms are aligned. Switch arms.

12. Side plank (sheathing):stand straight on one side of the body, resting on one forearm and one foot. The other arm can be extended along the body or slightly bent at the hips. Hold the position.

As you can see, these 7 minutes of training are not easy!

So practice to music to make the seconds go by faster :-)