Want to make your homemade fabric mask?
You're right, it's cheaper than buying it at the pharmacy!
The problem is that you can't find rubber bands so easily anymore...
And we don't necessarily have a sewing machine at home...
Fortunately, here is the trick to make your mask in 5 seconds with 1 sock and 1 pair of scissors .
You don't even need a sewing machine and rubber bands! Watch the tutorial:
- 1 clean thick sock
- 1 pair of scissors
- 1 paper towel or 1 handkerchief
1. Cut each end of the sock to make a rectangle suitable for the size of your head.
2. Lay the sock flat.
3. Make a cut on each side one cm from the edge.
4. Cut about half the width of the sock.
5. Flatten the sock so that the cuts face you.
6. Now take the paper towel and fold it.
7. Insert it into the sock.
8. Pass the ties behind the ears to put on your mask.
There you go, you made your homemade mask with a simple sock :-)
Easy, fast and efficient, right?
In addition to being effective, this mask is super comfortable!
With the coronavirus, it is recommended to wear one to protect yourself and others.
And with deconfinement, it will even become mandatory in certain situations.
This super easy and quick to make mask is economical and can be reused by following our washing tips here.
This homemade mask is effective in protecting others from the risk of COVID-19 contamination.
The fabric of the sock lined with the towel forms a barrier like a filter.
This prevents the majority of sputters and micro-droplets from passing through.
Smart isn't it? And super economical. We're not going to deprive ourselves of it right now!
Before you start cutting your sock, check that it is wide enough to run over your face, mouth and nose.
Also take a sock thick enough to keep its shape while remaining elastic.
The best is to take a mismatched sock like this, no waste.