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Fecal transplantation has anti-aging effects in mice

A British research institute recently presented the results of a startling study. The researchers used faecal transplantation on mice of different ages to observe any changes. However, according to the work, this technique would act in a beneficial way on health, in particular on aging.

Faecal microbiota transplantation

For a very long time, many people have been looking for a solution to fight against the effects of aging . In addition to creams and cosmetic surgery, research has also been looking at the subject for several decades. Research had, for example, investigated the hypothesis that the blood of young people could slow down the effects of time in older individuals. In December 2021, there was also talk of an experimental anti-aging vaccine that had increased the longevity of mice.

Mice are also at the heart of research, the details of which are published in the journal Microbiome on April 29, 2022. Scientists from the Quadram Institute (UK) say they have carried out microbiota transplants from feces of younger mice in older mice. The objective here was to observe the potential changes at work.

Fecal transplantation (or fecal bacteriotherapy) aims to restore microbial ecology and colon homeostasis. To achieve this, it is a question of reintroducing healthy bacterial flora from the stools of a healthy donor. This technique is part of the non-pharmacological therapeutic approaches.

Fecal transplantation has anti-aging effects in mice

Very promising results

According to test results, older mice showed improvements about their problems with their intestines, eyes and brain function. In addition, the researchers also transplanted microbiota from older mice to younger mice. The latter then suddenly presented various signs of aging bowel and inflammation. The Quadram Institute study again shows the important role that gut microbes play in health, especially in the retina, brain and aging.

What if one day, young human donors allowed older people to fight against the effects of time? We are not there yet, but nothing seems impossible. While the trial results are very promising, more research is still needed. It must be said that fecal transplantation has been only tested on mice and that the first trials on humans are not yet planned.