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The Covid-19 pandemic affects the ability to make simple decisions

According to a recent survey in the United States, the health crisis related to Covid-19 is a major source of stress. However, this stress would cause a third of adults to have difficulty making simple decisions in their everyday lives.

A curious phenomenon

In February 2021, the New York Times explained in an article that the phenomenon of hair loss has increased in both men and women. It must be said that the Covid-19 pandemic has been a great source of stress for many people. However, specialists reminded that any type of serious stress could trigger hair loss.

The NBC News channel published a survey of a different kind on the effects of this stress on October 26, 2021. On this occasion, the psychologist Vaile Wright of the The American Psychological Association said, "Our bodies don't identify where stress is coming from. They just know that we are stressed. So when this level of uncertainty starts to overwhelm our coping mechanisms, even the smallest tasks can start to feel overwhelming. »

The survey in question called Stress in America was conducted in the United States among 3,000 people. She revealed that a third of adults are so stressed in connection with the health situation that even the simplest decisions become a real headache. However, this is about basic daily decisions , for example choosing a meal at noon. This curious phenomenon would affect young adults, parents and racialized people more.

The Covid-19 pandemic affects the ability to make simple decisions

A return to optimism?

To give some numbers, 47% of parents find it difficult to make basic decisions. This is also the case for 37% of 18-24 and 48% of 25-42 year olds. In addition, African Americans and people of Hispanic origin are more likely to be more stressed than white people , which would therefore influence their most simple decisions. Other figures relate to people who, due to the pandemic, have rethought their way of life (61%) or have seen their future darken (49%).

However, 70% of respondents said they were confident for “post-Covid”. For Vaile Wright, this is a sentiment that everyone could (and should) tap into right now even if the pandemic is not yet behind us. Betting on optimism is indeed a driving attitude for the decisions to be made, whether they are basic or of crucial importance.