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How can this start-up extend the lives of dogs?

This is not a scoop:dogs live much shorter than humans. Some masters would therefore dream of being able to spend more time with their animal, a feeling reinforced by the current Covid-19 pandemic. A start-up is currently marketing a product capable of saving a few years of life expectancy for dogs.

No miracle product

In general, the life expectancy of dogs is between 6 and 15 years depending on the breed. Exceptions do exist, however, such as the oldest dog in the world having died in Australia at the age of 29. Human life expectancy is much longer and has progressed enormously since the last century, although the current Covid-19 pandemic is synonymous with a slight setback. On the other hand, the life expectancy of dogs has changed very little.

As Bloomberg explains in an article dated July 26, 2021, the US start-up Embark Veterinary has just made a name for itself in a relatively unknown market:extending the life expectancy of dogs . There is talk of raising $75 million from the famous Japanese holding company Softbank – which also owns Boston Dynamics. Embark Veterinary is a company founded in 2015 by brothers with degrees in veterinary medicine and biology.

However, the company in question does not sell miracle products or other makeovers. The main product it markets is none other than a DNA test kit priced at $199 . The goal? Indicate the origin of the dog and screen for no less than 200 potential health risks.

How can this start-up extend the lives of dogs?

Follow recommendations

According to Embark Veterinary, dog owners are key. By taking into account genetic risk factors that the DNA test communicates, it becomes possible to act at different levels to ensure a longer life for the animal. For example, it may be a question of modifying one's diet, or even avoiding certain medications. The results of the tests would also give the possibility of avoiding certain crosses between races which can increase the risk of developing allergies and other illnesses.

While many companies suffer from the current health crisis, this is not the case with Embark Veterinary, which actually benefits from it. According to its CEO Ryan Boyko, the pandemic has made families realize that they want to be around their dog for as long as possible. This sudden awareness is therefore the business of the US start-up.

In strong progress since 2019, Embark Veterinary now wants to pass the million genome mark present in its database. The goal ? Further increase the relevance of recommendations to dog owners. The company also wants to target the international scale, and thus offer its products all over the world.