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Why should you avoid wearing an elastic band that is too tight around the wrist?

Women and men with long hair are often used to wearing a rubber band around their wrist. This is a very practical way to keep this small object available in all circumstances. However, several specialists have recently spoken out about this practice, which is not without health risks.

Possible nerve damage

Do you often wear a hair tie around your wrist? According to dermatologist Dhaval Bhanusali of Hudson Dermatology &Laser Surgery in New York (USA), this would not be without risks. Asked in an article published by the HuffingtonPost US on March 11, 2021, he advises to do not overtighten the elastic around the wrist to avoid impaired blood circulation. If the wrist becomes white and cold around the elastic, this means that the blood can no longer circulate properly. It then becomes imperative to remove it in order to make the mark disappear quickly after a few minutes.

Working at the Neurology Medicine Institute in New York, neurologist Huma Sheikh also commented on the practice. According to this specialist, wearing something tight around the wrist can have undesirable consequences. Indeed, many nerves, veins and other tendons are located around the wrist area. However, all these little people can find themselves compressed, in proportion to the compression induced by the elastic. The person may then feel tingling and/or numbness. If the rubber band is not quickly removed, there may be nerve damage due to tetany caused by low blood flow.

Why should you avoid wearing an elastic band that is too tight around the wrist?

Risk of allergic skin reaction with elastic

The HuffingtonPost US also interviewed dermatologist Rina Allawh of the Schweiger Dermatology Group in King of Prussia, Pennsylvania. This explained the possibility of seeing an allergic skin reaction . Indeed, we find in the elastic components such as rubber, nickel and dyes. Allergic reactions such as a pinkish and scaly rash can then occur and leave residual marks on the skin.

When the elastic exerts too much pressure around the wrist, it can cut into the skin. It is certainly a small injury, however there is a risk of infection due to the presence of bacteria. This is all the more true if the elastic is not cleaned. So, the best thing to do is to get into the habit of not wearing it around the wrist. It is also possible to wear a looser one , to wash or change regularly.