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Covid-19:Honda wants to equip its vehicles with an "anti-virus mask"!

The current coronavirus pandemic also seems to be giving automakers pause. The Japanese Honda claims to have developed a kind of mask for its vehicles. This is an air filter whose mission is to block microparticles capable of penetrating and then circulating in the passenger compartment.

A rather amazing innovation

In automobiles, it is not uncommon to see people wearing a mask, or even gloves. In addition, respect social distancing in the passenger compartment of a car is almost impossible. According to an article published by SlashGear on January 4, 2021, the Japanese manufacturer Honda has unveiled a rather amazing innovation. Indeed, there is talk of an "antivirus mask" for its vehicles. Her name ? Kurumaku.

Obviously, we shouldn't expect to see a vehicle from this brand wearing a giant surgical mask anytime soon. In reality, it is an additional filter that the engineers have added to the usual ventilation system. This one uses a chemical conversion treatment with zinc phosphate . But is this an excess of zeal on the part of the manufacturer?

Covid-19:Honda wants to equip its vehicles with an  anti-virus mask !

Promising for the fight against the virus

According to Honda, this filter is able to remove no less than 99.8% of infected droplets floating inside a car in just fifteen minutes. On the other hand, the ventilation system must absolutely be in recirculation mode . The manufacturer thus distinguishes itself from other manufacturers, whose systems prevent the entry of viruses larger than 0.3 microns. Let's mention in passing that the virus present on the surfaces should disappear in about a day.

Honda claimed that the filter in question will be available very soon for its N-Box Kei line of cars for the equivalent of around fifty euros. However, the brand's other vehicles could also be equipped with it in the near future. In addition, the new filter must be replaced every year or at least every 15,000 km. While the current pandemic is expected to continue into 2021, this type of additional tools can obviously help fight the spread of the coronavirus.

The last time the automobile and the coronavirus were discussed at the same time was in April 2020. In China, health authorities had deployed a small self-driving car. Equipped with a thermal camera , she was able to remotely take the temperature of passers-by on the street.