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The TousAntiCovid application is a success, but suffers from incompatibility with old smartphones

Practically a week after the release of the TousAntiCovid application, it is already a great success. Indeed, the application has been downloaded several million times. On the other hand, there is an incompatibility with old smartphones as well as other bugs and malfunctions.

AllAntiCovid: A success to put into perspective

The second wave of Covid-19 is currently hitting our country. On October 22, 2020, the government launched the TousAntiCovid application. The objective here is to facilitate the information of people who have been in contact with a person who tested positive for coronavirus. It is also a question of accelerating their care, in addition to the action of doctors and Health Insurance. In general, it is about breaking the chains of transmission.

The application has undergone improvements in form and editorial content. The goal was to make it more attractive for internet users. It thus offers a news feed on the epidemic in real time. Let's also quote numbers on the use of the app to create a ripple effect and motivation among the population.

Five days after the launch of TousAntiCovid, Europe 1 claimed that it was already a success. Indeed, the application has been downloaded more than four million times . However, as Nice Matin explained on October 26, the latter is facing some problems. Indeed, the application is not compatible with old smartphones. In addition, many users have observed several bugs and other malfunctions.

The TousAntiCovid application is a success, but suffers from incompatibility with old smartphones

Many brands affected

Some bugs in feature accessibility or even from the home page (a blockage) appeared. In response, the Secretary of State for the Digital Transition and Electronic Communications Cédric O had explained the reason for this situation:an influx of connections. However, many users have also mentioned incompatibility issues with older smartphones.

Nice Matin interviewed a person who was unable to download the application on his iPhone 5C, while many other applications of all kinds work without any problem. This is possibly a problem with the operating software . However, it seems that the application is especially incompatible with smartphones that do not fully support Bluetooth Low Energy. The same type of mishap has happened to owners of smartphones running Android like the Samsung Galaxy J6 and J7. In addition, there is a list of incompatible smartphones with the TousAntiCovid application. The affected brands are Alcatel, BlackBerry, CrossCall, Doro, Google, LG, Huawei, Orange, Oppo, Nokia, Motorola, Samsung, Sony, Wiko and Xiaomi.

In terms of the number of downloads, the TousAntiCovid application has already done better than StopCovid. Indeed since June 2020, StopCovid has been downloaded "only" 2.6 million times . Either way, both apps lag far behind their counterparts in Germany and the UK. These have been downloadedbetween 15 and 20 million times.