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Meet Sentinel, a force feedback device for motorcycles

An Austrian start-up has developed a smart object aimed at making motorbike journeys safer. It is a portable device using a haptic feedback device to warn the rider when needed. The latter receives information on potential dangers while being able to keep an eye on the road.

A haptic feedback device

In 2019, Road Safety explained that bikers represent 1.6% of traffic but 19% of deaths . On a motorcycle, danger is everywhere on the road and various companies are thinking about securing the routes for safer travel. A few weeks ago, the Austrian start-up Motobit published a video (see end of article) unveiling its latest innovation. The images show Sentinel, a connected device for motorcyclists. The device can communicate at any time via simple vibrations, thanks to a Bluetooth connection and a dedicated application. The goal? Allow the rider to stay focused on the road , respect speed limits and thus avoid accidents.

Vibration means haptic feedback , a kinesthetic perception synonymous with force feedback that is increasingly present in certain areas such as virtual reality. Thus, the motorcyclist therefore receives vibrations warning him of a possible danger. The Sentinel device is easy to use and can be stored in a pocket, on the belt or can be worn as a bracelet.

Meet Sentinel, a force feedback device for motorcycles

A wise choice

Be aware that vibrations are generated by algorithms analyzing driving and the route of the road. In the event of excessive speed, especially on bends, the motorcyclist will be warned. For Motobit, the choice of haptic feedback is much more sensible than audible or visual alerts. Indeed, the motorcyclist does not need to take his eyes off the road. In addition, a simple press allows you to call the emergency services if necessary. Let's also mention the fact that Sentinel can operate in groups. If a motorcycle group is equipped, the system will define, for example, a safety distance to be respected between each vehicle.

Currently, the device is the subject of a crowdfunding campaign on the Indiegogo platform. Anyone can get a case for just over a hundred dollars. So far, the campaign has reached half of its final goal of 15,000 euros twenty days from closing.

Here is the presentation video of the device published by Motobit: