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Covid-19:how to travel more serenely in public transport?

Since the appearance of the coronavirus, our movements have changed. Previously, we took the fastest route. From now on, it is a question of choosing the least risky path from a health point of view. However, this involves in particular the choice of place in public transport and certain other necessary gestures.

Think about ventilation

Remember that being locked up with other people in an enclosed space increases the risk of infection. Thus, it is advisable to favor travel on foot, by bicycle or by motorbike/scooter. Driving around with people who share the same household is also a better option than public transport. Either way, taking public transport is still a default choice for many people.

Whether it's the train, the metro, the bus or the tramway, the fear of most travelers is then to risk infection. Since the deconfinement, wearing a mask is compulsory in transport. However, certain gestures must also be adopted. As BBC Future reminds us in an article of September 7, 2020, the most relevant seem to be respecting social distancing , but also avoiding peak hours.

Covid-19:how to travel more serenely in public transport?

For Nick Tyler of University College London ( United Kingdom), traveling by public transport involves taking an interest in their ventilation system. Outside, the droplets dissipate into the air and wind. On the other hand, inside, there is much less movement. One of the best options is therefore to choose a means of transport that is easy to ventilate , in particular thanks to the opening of windows.

Other necessary precautions in these transports

A move also needs to take into account the number of people. Conversations can get noisy, prompting people to push their voices, which is likely to generate more projection. In other words, a quieter train or subway car carries less risk. However, the most important thing is the distance to adopt and the need not to sit next to a stranger. Indeed, a recent Chinese study on the transmission of the virus in a bus advises against it.

Finally, traveling standing involves certain risks in relation to the bars to hold on to. Indeed, the virus can be on these surfaces which should therefore be avoided. In addition, it is rather inadvisable to stay near the doors. Although it is one of the best ventilated places, the doors are also very popular, and therefore risky.