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Here are the recommendations of the Scientific Council for deconfinement

The Government's Scientific Council presented a list of recommendations on Saturday as part of a gradual and controlled lifting of containment, starting May 11. Here are the main points.

Prime Minister Edouard Philippe will propose a first deconfinement plan to the National Assembly this Tuesday at 3 p.m. This presentation will be followed by a debate and then a vote. Return to school and travel arrangements (national and international), wearing a mask or not in transport… these are the points (among others) that will normally be addressed during this presentation.

To arbitrate, the government has the recommendations of its Scientific Council, listed in two documents posted online on Saturday evening. Here are the essentials of these prescriptions.


Mask wearing must be "required for college and high school students. On the other hand, the Council considers this measure "impossible to be practiced in kindergarten, but "adaptable according to age in primary.

The physical distancing rules in general should also be adopted in all establishments. Student tables should be one meter apart in class.

Each school should ensure that students from one class do not cross paths with students from another class, or that students from the same level do not cross paths with students at another level. The goal:to avoid contact as much as possible, but also to more easily identify students at risk in the event of contamination.

"If possible “Students should be invited to have lunch in class, each at their own table, the report also states. In addition, parents are invited to take their child's temperature every day before leaving for school. In case of suspicious symptoms, affected children should stay home.

Finally the Council recommends "multiplying the offer » school transport so that students are less crowded in the coaches.

Here are the recommendations of the Scientific Council for deconfinement

Wearing the "systematic" mask in public places

Wearing a mask in public places must be "systematic during the months following the lifting of the containment, according to the opinion of the Scientific Council. A measure that requires that "alternative masks of industrial or artisanal production anti-projection are “available to the general population and given priority to people in regular contact with the public “.

Places open to the public must also offer their customers or users protective masks and hydro-alcoholic solutions. "A breach of these rules must be able to lead to an administrative closure of these places “, can we read.

Travel allowed between regions, but strongly discouraged abroad

Travel between regions by means of public transport could again be authorized as long as the barrier measures and the rules of physical distancing are respected. Urban and peri-urban transport should resume with their usual rates, the report recommends.

International travel, on the other hand, is very strongly discouraged, at least until the summer, in order to "reduce the risk of reintroduction of the virus on the national territory “, says the Council. It is also stressed that travelers who nevertheless travel abroad will be exposed to possible quarantine measures upon arrival at their destination. Just like when they return to France.

Here are the recommendations of the Scientific Council for deconfinement

Telework still recommended

The Council proposes that companies maintain teleworking when possible, "for all or more than half of working time ". For traders and craftsmen, the report proposes resuming an activity by scrupulously respecting the rules of physical distancing.

Furthermore, people over the age of 65 and/or those with chronic pathologies are strongly advised to respect "strict and voluntary confinement, which protects them risk of contamination “.

No festivals for the first two months

For the first two months following the lifting of the containment, it will be "necessary to keep all places and events closed or prohibited bringing together "large numbers of audiences, whether in closed rooms or in open air places “, says the Council.