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Coronavirus:Sweden offers an unusual response by focusing on self-responsibility

With no intention of taking containment measures, Sweden offers an unusual response to the Covid-19 coronavirus epidemic. Indeed, the activity continues and gathering places such as bars and other nightclubs are still open. Suffice to say that this is a special situation in Europe where many countries have taken strict measures.

Sweden, a European exception

In a Europe with several hundred thousand cases of Covid-19 , one country seems to be resisting:Sweden. In the capital, Stockholm, citizens enjoy the good weather, especially in the famous Mariatorget square. At night, party establishments (bars, clubs) are not closed. And yet, given its record, Sweden cannot really be considered one of the best students on the continent. Indeed, the country had 4,028 cases for 146 deaths on the evening of March 30, 2020.

According to the BBC, Swedish political and health authorities still hope they can slow the spread of the virus without taking drastic measures . Indeed, the government has formulated directives rather than adopted measures. For example, it is a question of the elderly or sick people having to stay at home as well as the reminder of the rules of hygiene. In addition, it is recommended to opt for teleworking as far as possible and not to travel except for a valid reason.

Coronavirus:Sweden offers an unusual response by focusing on self-responsibility

In reality, the only strict measure adopted by the government dates from March 30. Since that day, gatherings of more than 50 people are forbidden. However, the Danish neighbor whose toll is less heavy (2,755 cases / 77 deaths) has nevertheless banned gatherings of more than 10 people.


It is obviously not a question of laxity but of a real desire toempower citizens . It is for this reason that the country has relied heavily on voluntary guidelines. However, there is one important detail to be aware of. In fact, more than half of Swedish households are made up of just one person. In other words, this logically reduces the risk of propagation in families. Obviously, this is absolutely not the case in the Mediterranean countries.

The Swedish government has also said it wants to keep people healthy, be it physical or mental health . So here we have another reason for the refusal to take measures forcing citizens to stay at home. In addition, the world of work is also following this trend, even if it is more advisable to opt for teleworking. Finally, it should be noted that the authorities have not completely ruled out the establishment of containment. This would logically take place in the event of a major outbreak of cases.