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An algorithm would be able to detect the coronavirus with an accuracy of 96%!

Trading giant Alibaba claimed to have come up with a new algorithm. It would apparently be able to detect the coronavirus with an accuracy rate of 96%. This is a new diagnostic model whose objective is to detect sick people earlier. However, the information should be taken with a grain of salt given the difficulty of verifying it.

AI to detect coronavirus

The global toll of the Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic reports more than 198,000 confirmed cases for approximately 8,000 deaths . Some researchers are trying to develop a vaccine, others are trying to find solutions at the level of antibodies. Not long ago, we were indeed talking about a promising discovery made in Belgium. Researchers say they have discovered an antibody that can neutralize the coronavirus. This research points the way to a possible treatment. Through its research institute Damo Academy, the Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba has focused on diagnostic methods. According to an article in Nikkei Asian Review on February 19, 2020, there is talk of a new diagnostic model for Covid-19 based on artificial intelligence.

According to researchers, the accuracy rate of this new algorithm is 96% . Trained on sample of more than 5,000 confirmed cases , the AI ​​would be able to differentiate people with this specific virus from patients with ordinary viral pneumonia. Recall that to make a reliable diagnosis by analyzing patient scans, doctors take 5-15 minutes.

An algorithm would be able to detect the coronavirus with an accuracy of 96%!

Information difficult to verify

According to the Nikkei Asian Review publication, the algorithm was applied to patients from Qiboshan Hospital in Zhengzhou City. Other hospitals have since benefited from it in the provinces of Hubei, Guangdong and Anhui. However, if the Nikkei Asian Review is a reliable Japanese daily, the original source remains untraceable. Indeed, no publications directly from Alibaba or the Damo Academy are available. In other words, the information remains difficult to verify.

Also remember that in February, Alibaba had already participated in the development of a new mobile application. The goal? Assign a QR code to citizens, allowing them to know their state of health . Depending on the color assigned, people saw themselves free to move or confined to their homes for between one and two weeks.

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