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Covid-19:this person was infected a second time despite being cured

A woman in Japan caught the coronavirus twice within a month of each other. This case serves as a reminder of important information:patients recovered from the disease are not immune.

She relapses a few weeks after healing

In an article published on February 27, 2020, the Reuters press agency mentions the case of a tourist guide from Osaka (Japan) who is regularly in contact with tourists. The latter is the first known person in the country to have contracted the coronavirus twice . Tested positive for the first time on January 29, the person concerned was discharged from the hospital on February 6 but relapsed on the 26th!

This news worries Japan a little more, with today counting 891 confirmed cases including 705 on the Diamond Princess liner. In addition, the explosion of cases in South Korea is also very anxiety-provoking. Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has decided to temporarily close the country's public schools from Monday to prevent the spread of the virus. The measures now provide for monitoring of recovered patients.

Covid-19:this person was infected a second time despite being cured

The body can forget how to defend itself

Questioned by Metro UK, British doctor Babak Asharfi gave his opinion:

Experts are currently collecting information from infected people to see how well their immune system responds and how long they will remain immune […] We know that when you catch a virus, your body learns to fight it […] However, over time your body may forget how to defend itself and immunity may wane some time after the initial infection. »

On February 2, 2020, we already mentioned the words of Zhan Qingyuan, head of infectious diseases at the China-Japan Friendship Hospital located in Beijing:

Antibodies [developed by people who have been infected with the virus] apparently don't last very long [in the blood], patients in remission run therefore still the risk of contracting the disease. They must therefore continue to take protective measures. »

The latest report reports 82,455 cases for 2,811 deaths . In addition, 32,765 patients were cured. In the three new centers of South Korea, Italy and Iran, the situation is very worrying. These countries have respectively 1,766, 447 and 245 cases confirmed and 13, 14 and 26 deaths.


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