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Trump deals another blow to science and research

The Trump administration has dealt yet another blow to science and researchers. Indeed, the use of scientific research in the United States will be limited for the development of public health and environmental rules. What does this measure hide?

The Lobbyist-Run EPA

The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) plans to limit the use of science in health and the environment. According to a New York Times article published on November 11, 2019, researchers will now have to share all their information , even usually confidential medical records. Otherwise, it will be impossible to rely on the results of their studies to propose laws. This will notably concern the regulation of industrial emissions and therefore the quality of air and water.

In addition, this measure is retroactive so that anti-pollution regulations already adopted before could be cancelled. Remember that the EPA is an independent agency of the United States government. Created in 1970, this agency's mission was to protect nature and the health of citizens. Nevertheless, Andrew R. Wheeler, a lawyer and American coal lobbyist specializing in energy policies, now heads this organization!

Trump deals another blow to science and research

A strong reaction from scientists

Obviously, this decision caused indignation within the scientific sphere. In a blog post, Michael Halpern of the Union of Concerned Scientists said the measure is intended to let politicians assess the dangers related to public health. However, scientists are logically better equipped to give concrete advice.

In addition, the person concerned deplores the possible exclusion of certain studies showing that pollution makes people sick. This is for example the case of a study published in 1993 which established a link between air pollution and premature death. However, the researchers had had confidentiality agreements signed to track 22,000 people in six cities across the United States. Without the disclosure of these records, this study could simply be abandoned. However, at the time, it influenced government regulations and saved lives.

Remember that Donald Trump is a notorious climatosceptic who does not hold Science in his heart . Shortly after his election, the president ousted officials from the White House Office of Science (OSTP). In the process, the Head of State declared that the United States would withdraw from the Paris climate agreements, a decision which will take effect at the end of 2020.

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