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Beware, expired food products are circulating on Amazon!

After declaring that it fights counterfeiting sold from its platform more effectively, Amazon must face another problem. Indeed, unscrupulous sellers sell food products whose use-by date has expired.

Expired food

A few months ago, Amazon recognized that counterfeits were far too present on its platform. The e-commerce giant then announced that it was preparing a simpler and faster program in this struggle. It will be a question of attacking the targeted sellers more quickly and more economically.

In an article published by CNBC on October 20, 2019, Amazon needs to address another important issue. Among the sellers are individuals selling food products. However, some do not hesitate to sell products that have already expired , sometimes even for a long time. Among the products cited in the testimonials, we find chocolate bars, infant formula, tea bags and even dried meat.

Beware, expired food products are circulating on Amazon!

No new measures

The Consumer Federation of America, one of the most influential consumer associations in the United States, has stepped up to the plate. Its director Thomas Gremillion did not hesitate to point out the ineffectiveness of Amazon's policy. This theoretically obliges each seller to guarantee that the products are not expired before 90 days at the time of their sale. However, the fact is that many ignore this rule and many are not worried despite the interception of certain products.

Amazon believes in its defense that these are isolated cases and that there would be no new control measures . It seems that for the giant, both manual and automatic checks are good enough. The problem has therefore been more or less minimized. Once again, Amazon advised buyers to contact customer service in case of doubts about a product.

Other non-compliant products

Counterfeits and food products are therefore present on Amazon, but it does not stop here. During the summer of 2019, the Wall Street Journal published an investigation reporting the presence on Amazon of more than 4,000 illegal products . In particular, it is a question of drugs not validated by the FDA. We should also mention the sale of products with a lead content beyond the authorized limit. The media even reported the story of a man who died due to wearing an non-compliant motorcycle helmet bought on Amazon.

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