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Plant-based food for beginners:go vegan!

Plant-based food for beginners:go vegan!

More and more people are eating plant-based. Veganism is hot. That is not surprising, because eating without animal products is not only healthy for your body, but also for the planet. But what should you pay attention to? Here you can read everything about a vegan lifestyle.

What exactly is the difference between a vegetarian and a vegan † Vegetarians do not eat meat and fish, but do put other animal products on the menu, such as eggs, cheese and dairy. Vegans go one step further, or actually two:they only eat plant-based and often carry out their beliefs in the rest of their lifestyle. They only use products that do not involve animals. So no cheese, dairy or eggs on your plate, but also no make-up or shower gel that has been tested on animals in the bathroom. In addition, a die-hard vegan does not wear clothing made of leather, wool, fur, down, felt, feathers and silk and does not sleep under a down comforter.

In fact: a hardcore vegan does not ride a horse and does not go to the zoo. After all, this all comes under the “use” of animals. “You are vegan if you choose not to use animals in all other aspects of your life in addition to your diet,” says Brenda Waldekker of the Dutch Association for Veganists. (NVV). “Veganism is a goal and should be practically achievable,” she believes. “This means that the interpretation of such a lifestyle can differ per person. It's a matter of finding your own way in vegan land.” These individual differences become immediately apparent when dietician-researcher Wendy Walrabenstein – who specializes in plant-based nutrition – indicates that cheese is fine from time to time:“Do you want to eat plant-based, but you can't live without cheese? Then see this as a delicacy and eat it every now and then. Make your own considerations, where do you draw the vegan line?”


Twenty years ago there were approximately 16,000 vegans , now there are about 150,000, according to NVV. The lifestyle has been around for centuries, but has become much more popular in recent years. According to Willo Schröer, editor-in-chief of Vegan business, this is because more and more people are becoming aware of the positive impact of a plant-based lifestyle on the environment, animals and their own health. “Twenty years from now, people will wonder how we ever ate animals. In addition, it just feels good not to use animals and to do something good for the world and the environment.” Waldekker adds:“Life is deeply intertwined with the use of animals. You only realize that when you pay attention. I was a vegetarian for years. Until I found out that you also contribute to animal suffering with a vegetarian diet. Since then I have not eaten or bought any animal products. Because the demand for vegan products Fortunately, the range is expanding, making it easier and easier to veganize your life.”

Pink mice

For animals it is of course good news that more and more vegans to be. But a vegan lifestyle can also contribute to your own health, and that of the planet. Many products contain animal ingredients. Such as pizza crust, white balls (milk), candy, pudding (gelatin), pink cookies, pink mice, chewing gum, licorice, lipstick and much more.

Plant-based food for beginners:go vegan!


A vegan lifestyle also has benefits for your own health, says Walrabenstein, who conducts scientific research into the effect of plant-based diets on health. “It has been shown that people who eat predominantly vegan have a lower risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes. Your intestinal flora probably plays a crucial role in this. Good and bad bacteria live in your gut. The good bacteria grow through fiber-rich food from plant foods. The bad bacteria do especially well on animal products, especially saturated fats and sugar. About ninety percent of the Dutch do not get the recommended daily amount of fiber. This is thirty grams for women and forty grams for men, while we only consume twenty grams on average. While the emphasis is often on protein, a diet rich in fiber is probably just as important. With a vegan diet you get more different vegetable fibres, especially if you mainly eat unprocessed, vegetable products.” But how do you find your way in vegan land? How do you know if products are really vegan? If you spot the official vegan quality mark (a green sunflower), you're in the right place. Is there no vegan logo on the packaging? Then it is important to check the ingredients list, because there are products that you would not expect to contain animal ingredients. Think candy, cigarettes and wine. Allergens, such as milk and egg, are printed in bold on packaging, but some animal substances are classified under unclear aromas or vague E numbers, making it less clear.

Additional supplements

Good to know:do you decide to go vegan it is important to take supplements. Three to be exact:vitamins B12 and D (both a must!) and algae oil (optional). A deficiency of B12 can cause irreversible damage to your nervous system. Therefore, it is absolutely necessary to supplement your vegan diet with a B12 supplementVitamin D you mainly need it in the winter months, a possible deficiency often recovers in the spring and summer, when your skin can get the vitamin from sunlight. You will notice a deficiency mainly in your mindset:you are cranky and tired more quickly. It is also recommended to take an algae oil supplement. “This is the lubricant for your brain. You can also get these omega-3 fatty acids on their own from chia seeds, flaxseeds and seaweed. Only your body first has to convert these into longer chains of omega-3 fatty acids and that is not always done efficiently," says Walrabenstein.


  1. The book Food body mind, by Wendy Walrabenstein. Full of tips for a plant-based lifestyle, including a 21-day inspiration plan.

2. The cookbook Easy vegan feelgood with easy 'vegan big five tips' and recipes for Italian cuisine.

3. The cookbook The vegan revolution , by Lisa Steltenpool and Veerle Vrindts. In addition to fifty recipes, you will also find interesting information about health, the environment, animal welfare and sustainability.

Text:Esmir van Wering, Image GettyImages

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