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A link established between dairy products and prostate cancer

What if drinking milk and eating cheese could promote the onset of prostate cancer? This is what a recently published American study suggests. However, dairy products are the main source of calcium in Western countries. However, these countries have the highest rates of prostate cancer.

Prostate cancer

According to the ARC Foundation for Cancer Research, prostate cancer is a slowly growing tumour. Thus for years, there are few or no clinical manifestations . However, at a more advanced stage, symptoms appear:increased frequency of urination, low volume and retention of urine that can cause infection.

You should know that prostate cancer accounts for nearly 26% of male cancers, that is to say the most common in men. Moreover, it appears at a rate of 66% in men aged 65 and more.

Dairy products and cancer

Previous studies have shown that dairy products are the primary source of calcium in western countries. However, it is also in these regions that the rates of prostate cancer are the highest. In Asia, where few dairy products are consumed, prostate cancer is, on the contrary, relatively rare.

In a publication of the Journal of the American Osteopathic Association posted online on October 21, 2019, researchers from the Mayo Clinic (USA) say they have reviewed 47 studies on the subject. However, these studies brought together no less than a million volunteers. According to the results, the causal link exists:dairy products are at the origin of a higher risk of prostate cancer.

A link established between dairy products and prostate cancer

How to explain this phenomenon?

Various hypotheses exist to explain why dairy products are a risk for the prostate. These include calcium intake, which could cancel the conversion of vitamin D 25 (OH) to an important metabolite. This prevents the multiplication of prostate cancer cells. In addition, dairy products are a source of estrogen , female hormones that have a link with this type of cancer.

There is also the issue of IGF-1 growth factor. A high consumption of dairy products increases the presence of this factor, the purpose of which is to stimulate tissue development. However, if we really need this one, levels that are too high (or too low) can be a problem.

You should also know that researchers at the Mayo Clinic believe that a plant-based diet can help reduce the risk. On the other hand, they did not make an association between an increased risk and the consumption of other animal products such as meat.

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