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Dietary Supplements:When Are They Really Necessary?

Declined in multiple varieties, each specially formulated to improve one or the other function of the body, food supplements today represent in France a market of more than two billion euros; a recent market study reveals that 44% of French people have used food supplements in the last twelve months. Top sellers:supplements to improve digestion, sleep and immunity. When are these vitamin and mineral concentrates truly life-saving?

To begin with, let us recall that according to the European directive concerning these products, food supplements are understood to mean foodstuffs the purpose of which is to supplement the normal diet and which constitute a concentrated source of nutrients or other substances having an nutritional or physiological alone or in combination ". ANSES also points out that these are not medicinal products, but that they are nevertheless governed by several regulatory provisions, at European and national level, which establish the list of ingredients authorized in these products, as well as the maximum daily doses to do not exceed.

Better digestion, weight loss, strengthening the immune system, limiting the undesirable effects of menopause, these are some of the many virtues sought by people who consume these supplements on an occasional basis. Market research conducted this year reports that 46% of consumers are particularly fond of these products and use them continuously all year round! However, in the absence of pathology, it is recognized that a varied and balanced diet is sufficient to cover all the nutritional needs of an individual. So, when should you turn to dietary supplements?

Beware of lack of sun and non-meat diets

In the general population, especially in developed countries, nutrient deficiencies are really very rare. Only vitamin D deficiency is relatively common, at any age. Indeed, there are few foods that provide a significant content of this vitamin; it is therefore mainly synthesized by the body under the action of UVB radiation from the Sun. In low sunlight conditions, especially in winter, vitamin D supplements in the form of drops or capsules, such as those offered by the Granions Laboratory (, can therefore be particularly useful.

In addition to this scenario, which concerns a good part of the population, certain nutrient deficiencies only affect specific groups of people, starting with those who adopt a vegan diet. Indeed, by definition, the latter exclude from their diet any foodstuff of animal origin, an exclusive source of vitamin B12. This vitamin is essential for the proper functioning of the brain and nervous system.

Similarly, a diet that excludes fish and seafood could lead to a deficiency in eicosapentaenoic acids (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acids (DHA), omega-3 fatty acids that contribute to brain and eye health — they would be in particular involved in the prevention of age-related macular degeneration (AMD), according to a study published in Archives of Ophthalmology . Thus, people who choose to permanently exclude certain types of food from their meals have every interest in regularly carrying out a blood test:if a deficiency is detected, food supplements can help restore the balance.

Medical advice is always strongly advised

Pregnant women are also among the people to whom food supplements are sometimes recommended, in the form of iron, calcium and/or vitamin B9 supplements – nutrients essential for the proper development of the child. Nevertheless, ANSES points out that these supplements should not be taken without the advice of a healthcare professional:a few cases of neonatal hypercalcaemia and congenital hypothyroidism likely to be linked to the consumption of supplements specially formulated for pregnant women have indeed been reported.

Women suffering from menorrhagia (heavy periods) can compensate for a potential iron deficiency, and thus avoid the development of anemia, by means of appropriate supplements. Last population that can benefit from food supplements:seniors. Considered more vulnerable due to a lower efficiency of their immune defenses linked to age, many people opt for a vitamin cure as winter approaches. But it is above all malnourishment or undernutrition that must be taken into account:many elderly people, isolated, no longer eat or eat poorly and are thus deprived of the nutrients essential to their health.

In any case, before starting to take a food supplement, it is strongly advised to seek information from a health professional, especially for products rich in vitamins and minerals, which can lead to a risk. exceeding safety limits! Finally, only proof of deficiency can really justify the taking of food supplements, which can never replace a (real) balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle favoring sleep and integrating regular physical activity.