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10 Pro Tips To Have Beautiful Hair Easily.

10 Pro Tips To Have Beautiful Hair Easily.

Looking for tips on how to have beautiful hair?

First of all, run away from all these so-called "miraculous" and expensive treatments...

Why ? Because these products are more about cleaning up your wallet than your scalp!

Instead, try to develop good daily habits that will make a difference in everyday life.

10 Pro Tips To Have Beautiful Hair Easily.

What are these good habits to adopt?

We have selected for you, 10 pro tips to have beautiful hair easily.

Don't worry, no need to go to salons and ruin yourself...

Everything can be done at home for your greatest comfort. Watch:

1. Avoid appliances that heat your hair

10 Pro Tips To Have Beautiful Hair Easily.

Yes, hair does not like heat! If you're used to using a curling or straightening iron, now might be the time to put the kibosh.

Famous celebrity hairstylist Michael Dueñas recommends using steam rollers instead.

Why ? They are gentler on the hair, as they are not too hot. They are heated only by the steam that passes through the foam of the roller.

But if you absolutely must use a hot device to style your hair (blowers, curling irons, wands, flat irons, hot rollers), try using a spray-on hair protection.

2. Sleep on silk

10 Pro Tips To Have Beautiful Hair Easily.

The smooth texture of silk does not damage the hair cuticle when you sleep. Which is not the case with cotton.

Silk leaves your hair smoother, says celebrity stylist Marcus Francis.

No more morning ears! It's still the dream, isn't it? For this, it is enough to get a single silk pillowcase like this.

3. Keep hair clean

10 Pro Tips To Have Beautiful Hair Easily.

We're sure you've heard of the "No Shampoo" movement before. If not, you can read our article on the subject here.

This consists of no longer using shampoo to wash your hair so as not to damage the scalp.

But Marcus Francis invites us to listen to our hair:

"As long as women use natural products without toxic products, they can wash their hair more frequently," he explains.

"By washing your hair regularly, you can reduce split ends, have better texture, and leave hair looking clean and shiny overall."

So how often should you wash your hair? Jeffrey J. Miller, M.D, Assistant Professor of Dermatology suggests these simple rules:

Wash them daily or every other day if you live in a polluted or humid city. Wash them every 3 or 4 days if you live in a rural environment away from pollutants or in a dry climate.

And if your hair is normal or mixed, with dry ends and oily roots, divide the hair mass in half and wash the roots more often than the ends.

Use healthy products without added toxic products that damage your hair, such as this shampoo for example or this organic one.

4. Hydrate your scalp

10 Pro Tips To Have Beautiful Hair Easily.

The skin on your scalp is like the skin on your face:it needs care. Hydrate it!

This will allow you to have a healthy base for the hair, explains Riawna Capri, who is a beauty coach. She adds, "The rule is to moisturize every time you shampoo."

But you can go even further. Even if you don't blow-dry your hair every time, still use a protective cream, says the stylist.

It can reduce frizz, dry hair and split ends, and even protect your color!

Do not hesitate to make masks like this regularly to hydrate them.

5. Eat right

10 Pro Tips To Have Beautiful Hair Easily.

All the attention we pay to our hair is also related to what we eat.

Much of what we eat makes our hair more or less beautiful.

According to hair growth expert Dr. Robert Dorin, "What you eat plays a very important role in shine, growth and volume".

"A diet rich in iron, zinc, omega-3 fatty acids and protein will help stimulate hair follicles for growth."

Dr. Dorin recommends alternating between lean red meat, chicken, and fish throughout the week to improve hair health.

6. Limit sun exposure

10 Pro Tips To Have Beautiful Hair Easily.

When we expose ourselves too much to the sun, we know that our skin suffers and we know the damage it causes.

Well for the hair, it's the same thing!

To prevent sun damage, stylist Marcelo suggests applying a conditioner like this at least every 2 days.

A reasonable application from mid-length to the ends of the hair will help fight against damage caused by the three great enemies of summer:UV rays, wind and salt water.

And if you're heading to the beach where the sun will be very present, apply a generous dose of sun protection.

Apply this product to damp hair before going out, and repeat the operation after each swim.

7. Gently detangle your hair

10 Pro Tips To Have Beautiful Hair Easily.

Before you force your comb through your tangled hair, think about what you're doing!

The goal is to do it slowly and be gentle with them so as not to damage them.

Use a wide-tooth comb for particularly tangled hair.

Remember to always untangle the ends first, then gradually work your way up the scalp.

This method will allow you to take care of your hair. Plus, no more screaming in the bathroom :-)

8. Cut your hair regularly

10 Pro Tips To Have Beautiful Hair Easily.

You might be tempted not to have your hair cut, especially if you've decided to let it grow out.

But to ensure that they grow in top form, they must be cut regularly.

Meri Kate O'Connor, senior colourist reminds us that a haircut should be scheduled every 6 to 8 weeks. This avoids split ends, and hair that splits or thins at the ends.

"When the hair splits, it goes all the way up the hair, it becomes so thin that it breaks."

And once your hair splits, there's no way to fix it. So, cut them to avoid breakage harmful to all your hair.

9. Avoid too hot water

10 Pro Tips To Have Beautiful Hair Easily.

When washing your hair, don't use too hot water, warns Houston salon owner David Edery.

Excess heat can cause your hair to lose volume, leaving you with flabby hair.

Instead, opt for temperate water. Why ? Because this temperature allows you to have a nice foam.

In addition, it allows them to be rinsed more thoroughly than with hot water.

And during the last rinse (after the detangler), put a cold jet on the hair to tighten the hair scales. They will keep the necessary nutrients and be shinier.

10. Use the right amount of product

10 Pro Tips To Have Beautiful Hair Easily.

If you cover your entire head with shampoo or conditioner, well that's not the way!

You don't need that many. Not to mention that it's not economical, nor is it good for the hair.

Concentrate the shampoo only on the top of the scalp, where you need it most:excess sebum, impurities.

The ends do not need to be stripped thoroughly.

It's the same for the detangler. Apply it just mid-hair to the ends. Where hair is driest and prone to split ends.

Your turn...

Have you tried these pro tips for beautiful hair? Let us know in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to read you!