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Here's what you need to know about nutrition and hormones

Here s what you need to know about nutrition and hormones

Food does more to your hormones than you think. Coach Marjolein Dubbers wrote a book about it:nutrition &hormones. Full of tips and recipes to balance your hormones.

  • What women really should know about nutrition and hormones † “First, that hormones have a huge impact on your vitality, health and appearance. And they help determine our weight. Secondly, that you have a lot of influence on your hormones with food. If you understand a little about how hormones work and what you can do to balance them yourself, you have powerful tools for a fun, energetic and healthy life.”
  • How do you do that then? “In the Nutritional Compass that I have developed, you adjust your diet to your hormones. You learn to listen to your body. Because for one person an apple may be healthy, another may be intolerant to it. Of course there are general guidelines, such as reducing sugar, dairy and gluten, because these irritate the intestinal wall in many people. Rather eat plenty of vegetables, herbs, germs and add healthy fats.”
  • What are signs that you may be eating the 'wrong' food? “If you eat the right food, you will feel it. You wake up in the morning rested, feeling energized and looking radiant. If not, however young or old you are, there is definitely room for improvement. In addition to a healthy diet, there are other things that are important for your hormones. Like every day a good portion of daylight, enough movement , enough sleep, relaxation, a nice job and loving relationships.”
Here s what you need to know about nutrition and hormones Here s what you need to know about nutrition and hormones
  • What did you notice when you started eating differently? “I changed my diet when I was burned out. First I felt a mental change; my body was still tired, but the cotton wool in my head and the lack of concentration disappeared. I also had less depressive episodes, I slept better and after about three months I got my physical energy back. My skin improved, my hair and nails looked better and my eyes started to glow again. I am now 61 and I still have a lot of energy and I am more active than ever.”
  • What can we easily adjust in our diet? “If something your hormones unbalanced is sugar. So get rid of sweet drinks, ready-made smoothies and fruit juice. Diet drinks and alcohol are also included. Scrape all this for a week and replace it with water, herbal tea and up to two cups of coffee a day. That is the best way to experience the enormous impact of food on your body. Miracles can really happen in a short time!”

Text MARA RUIJTER | Image Getty Images

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