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Chrononutrition:do you like it?

Chrononutrition:do you like it?

The art of eating what you need, when you need it and in the right amount... This is the principle of chrononutrition! What foods to eat and at what time of the day:this is what Dr. Alain Delabos, creator of chrononutrition, tried to establish. Let’s get to know this way of eating and its health benefits.

What is chrononutrition?

Chrononutrition is not strictly speaking a slimming diet, but rather a way of managing food. Created in 1986 by doctors Alain Delabos and Jean-Robert Rapin, chrononutrition is established according to the individual parameters of each and the biological rhythm of the body. It is a question of meeting the precise needs of the body by taking into account our internal clock, starting from the fact that all foods will not be assimilated in the same way by the body depending on the time at which we eat them.

The benefits of chrononutrition

If it is not a diet, chrononutrition often leads to weight loss and stabilization at a healthy weight. Why ? Quite simply because you learn to better manage your diet and the different intakes of lipids, proteins, etc. For example, in chrononutrition, fatty and sugary foods, easily assimilated and eliminated if eaten in the morning, are not recommended in the evening. They would then be stored by the body and poorly digested. This reduces your caloric intake in the evening, and this often leads to weight loss.

In addition, chrononutrition reduces cholesterol levels and the risk of cardiovascular disease. It would increase general well-being, refine the silhouette even before losing weight, and improve the quality of sleep... And all this, without depriving yourself of any food, except those containing lactose (cow's milk and unfermented cheeses ). Interesting?

Enzymes and hormones:the key to chrononutrition

Chrononutrition is mainly based on the functioning of hormones and enzymes. Our body secretes digestive enzymes and certain hormones according to a well-defined rhythm. For example, in the morning, we produce more insulin (a hormone that prevents the accumulation of sugars in the blood), lipases (enzymes produced by the pancreas that help digestion) and proteases (enzymes that help assimilate fats and proteins). In the middle of the day, it is the lipases and proteases that would work the most. In the afternoon, there is again an insulin peak. Finally, in the evening, the secretion of all these substances is greatly reduced.

The principle of chrononutrition is simple:provide our body with exactly what it is able to assimilate at these times of the day. Otherwise ? It stores!

Full breakfast and light dinner

Good news:in chrononutrition, we generally talk about minimum amounts of protein, fats and sugars to consume. And we talk very little about maximum quantities. Not bad for a "diet," right? In reality, do not exaggerate, there is no point in gorging yourself.

You know the saying, "In the morning, eat like a king, at noon, like a prince, and in the evening, dine like a beggar ? Indeed, no need to restrict yourself in the morning, because the calories absorbed have all day to be spent. On the other hand, in the evening we focus on lightness!

Another good news:the snack, a beloved meal from our childhood, is finding a place of choice in this somewhat special way of eating. In chrononutrition, snacking is not prohibited. It can be taken if you feel hungry, 4 hours after lunch, so as not to eat too heavy in the evening. It is preferably made up of plant foods (fruits, etc.) and provides a dose of sugars during the day.

Applications to better understand chrononutrition

Are you interested in chrononutrition? Do you want to convert to it on a daily basis? It may be easier to use mobile applications and dedicated sites, which will allow you to control your intake throughout the day. An application like Yuka which, for example, allows you to better know the intake (calories, lipids, carbohydrates, etc.) of each food whose barcode you scan.

In practice, how do we do it?

To get started with chrononutrition, it is best to turn to a nutritionist. If you consult a specialist, he will calculate, according to your size and your lifestyle, the minimum intake of proteins, carbohydrates and lipids that you need each day. He will explain how to distribute your food throughout the day and give ideas for typical menus.

If you just want to test for yourself a diet similar to chrononutrition, here is a typical day:

  • Breakfast:a complete meal, with fatty acids (dried fruits, butter, etc.), possibly a dairy product and carbohydrates (starches).

Ex:buttered bread and fresh cheese in good quantity, or cereals and cottage cheese.

  • Lunch:a "dense" meal:animal or vegetable proteins, vegetables and starches.

Ex:meat or an omelette and fries (yes, yes!) or rice, but start with the meat to be less hungry for fries.

  • Taste:oilseeds (olives, walnuts, almonds) to start, and "natural" sugar raisins, chocolate, fruit…).
  • Dinner:Rather light sources of protein like tofu, lentils or white meat, or rich in Omega 3 like oily fish, as well as vegetables.

Twice a week (to be distributed), to facilitate social life and not to accustom the body to a too regular rhythm:a meal without particular restrictions. Additional detail:wait at least 4 hours between two meals.

Chrononutrition is based on food rebalancing more than on deprivation. It is a healthy way of eating, which allows us to better understand the needs of our body. If you want to have more advice on food, our fitness and nutrition coaches accompany you on a daily basis and answer your questions.
