Family Best Time >> Health

Three quarters of Dutch people want to change their teeth

Now that 2022 is underway, our New Year's resolutions are something to think about as well. Lose weight, get fitter or finally get braces? No less than 73.5 percent of the Dutch would like to change their teeth by undergoing dental treatment, according to research by PlusDental. Compared to women, men are more likely to want to change their teeth. On the list of good intentions, 1 in 4 of the men surveyed has a dental change in third place, led by getting fitter (54.6%) and losing weight (43%). For women, the dental change comes in sixth place (19.6%). While almost half of the men think change is mainly important to feel better about themselves, the research shows that women are mainly willing to do this for the positive image they have towards others.

Women seem to be more aware of their appearance. While less than ten percent of men indicate that they want to undergo cosmetic treatment, this is over twenty percent for women. Losing weight is also a lot higher on the wish list for women. More than four in ten men indicate that they want to lose some weight, for women that is almost 60 percent.

Impact of the pandemic on self-confidence seems to be a myth

Have we really become so insecure because of the many video calls where we see ourselves more than ever on screen? The assumption that the COVID pandemic has affected our self-esteem seems to be a myth. One in three Dutch people indicate that the pandemic has not affected self-confidence at all. The younger generation (16-25) in particular seems to have become more self-aware as a result of the pandemic, the number answering this is 10% higher than the rest of the respondents. We agree on why we want to change something about ourselves:more than half say it makes them feel better about themselves.

The year of change

Will 2022 be the year of change? If it's up to PlusDental, yes! With the help of various partner practices throughout the Netherlands, PlusDental has digitized the entire treatment process. The Berlin-based supplier of aligners, or invisible braces, makes it easy and accessible for everyone to make changes to their teeth.