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How nails can become fungus-free and beautiful again

Summer is coming to an end and with it the warm temperatures. Flip flops and sandals disappear in the closets. But while many mourn the sunny barefoot weather, people with nail fungus are happy that they can finally hide their feet in closed shoes again. The shame of showing the sick nails is too great. The good news:The seasonal hiatus from barefoot time is ideal for finally declaring war on the fungus scourge, as it takes about a year for it to completely disappear. So when it comes to nail fungus, it is said:after summer is before summer.

When nails suddenly look different

If the appearance and structure of the nails on the feet or hands change, in many cases there is a nail fungus (onychomycosis) behind it. The fungal infection is responsible for up to 50 percent of all nail diseases and is therefore the most common indication on the nails.

The disease can be recognized by its characteristic appearance:first the nails become cloudy, then yellow-brown spots or stripes form. The infection migrates from the edge of the nail to the center and changes the structure of the nail as it progresses. Although those affected are ashamed of the ugly condition of their nails, too few go to the doctor. The fatal part:a fungal nail infection never heals on its own and gets worse the longer treatment is delayed. Moreover, nail fungus is not just a cosmetic problem. On the contrary, if left untreated, the nail will begin to crumble at the edge and separate from the nail bed. What remains is a broken nail plate, which no longer offers protection to the toe and fingertips. Another problem:Nail fungus is contagious and the affected person can infect others. Therefore, if you notice any noticeable changes on the nail, you should have it checked by a dermatologist as soon as possible. Specialists can safely diagnose the nail fungus and see how far the infection has progressed.

Treating nail fungus:the sooner the better

If the diagnosis of nail fungus has been made, it makes sense to start treatment early for several reasons:

Prevent infection: those who take immediate action against the nail fungus protect those around them from infection with the pathogens.

Stop the serious course: affected nails can heal completely with an early start and consistent therapy.

Protection against other diseases: fungal pathogens affect the immune system. If they are combated, the body can better defend itself against other external influences.

Important to know: Fungal pathogens are quite persistent. Their resting form, the spores, must also be completely eliminated. Because these tend to get stuck in textiles such as bath mats or carpets and can cause a re-infection or contaminate others. Affected nails need to grow back completely healthy once to be really fungus-free. Perseverance is required, as the healing process takes about six months on the hands and even 9 to 12 months on the feet.

Progress is seen with increasing duration of treatment

Fingernails grow on average about 3 mm per month, toenails a little slower. With consistent treatment, improvements can be seen month after month. Hint: Document the process with photos and record the progress – this helps to stay motivated during treatment.

Mould-free next summer

A reliable and uncomplicated treatment method is required to ensure that the nails are beautiful again next barefoot season.