See that darker spot under your fingernail?
It's probably a mycosis .
It's nothing serious, but it's better to treat it right away, before it grows and spreads.
Fortunately, there are little tricks that work very well against these nasty little mushrooms.
But arm yourself with patience, it takes time to eliminate the enemy.
Here's how to effectively eliminate nail fungus with simple and effective home remedies. Watch:
Any one of these 3 ingredients will be your hands, toe or feet's best friend for a few weeks or even months (yes, the battle against yeast infection can last up to 4 months).
- Bicarbonate which we tell you about so often:just take a tablespoon, dilute in water to form a paste.
Apply directly to the affected area, rub a little, rinse and dry. Do this once or twice a day.
- Aluminum chloride :your pharmacist will prepare it for you. Ask him for a 25% solution.
It is the most effective remedy for people who sweat a lot. Aluminum chloride is indeed used in antiperspirant deodorants.
However, be careful not to use it on scratched skin. or cracked . Apply two to three times a day to remove fungus. It will cost you about 6 to 7€ for 4 months of treatment.
- White vinegar , which we talk about as often as baking soda, is applied to the area where the damaged toenail is regrowing, twice a day.
You can complete this treatment with one bath per week directly in the vinegar.
Essential oils can also help you, in addition to other treatments since they are not incompatible.
Apply 2 to 3 drops directly, two to three times a day to the infected area.
The most effective are essential oils tea tree, lavender or Atlas cedar .
1. Throughout the duration of your treatment (which can last four months, I remind you), remember to fight the best possible way against perspiration.
Remember not to wear closed shoes in summer. Air your feet as much as possible. Outside of your sports hours, avoid sneakers and wear leather shoes.
Remember to put baking soda in your shoes and wear cotton socks.
These gestures can be done in prevention , if you know you are subject to this kind of problem.
If your fungal problems last more than 4 to 6 months, consult a dermatologist.
But in principle, with a little patience, the remedies that I have given you should eliminate your nasty yeast infections .
2. Know this, even if fungal infections are most often found under the toenails , they can nevertheless appear under those of the hands .
The treatments will be the same.
Give your feet or hands a warm salt water bath every day . A handful of coarse salt will suffice. If you prefer, put a little grapefruit instead of salt.
Above all, dry well. And let your feet out in the open whenever you can.
This is to avoid unnecessary perspiration, which would help the fungus to spread (you know that fungi like humidity).