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How can I prolong my Pretty Golden Holiday Complexion? My Simple and Economical Gestures!

How can I prolong my Pretty Golden Holiday Complexion? My Simple and Economical Gestures!

Prolong my hard-earned golden complexion during my summer vacation?

Oh yes, I want! Don't tell me I basked in the sun for nothing?

Here are some simple and economical actions to help you!

A holiday air that lingers on my skin? The dream!

The start of the school year already heralds the arrival of autumn and I want to keep my tanned complexion. Yes but how ? Let me offer you these little tips:

How can I prolong my Pretty Golden Holiday Complexion? My Simple and Economical Gestures!

My Rule N°1:Hydration!

It is simply essential! I continue to brush my body and face with cream, my skin needs to be nourished. I drink 1.5 liters of water a day and I prefer foods rich in water, such as fruit (melons, strawberries or watermelons!). My Nivea cream will be an excellent restorative ally (Amazon link) to hydrate my skin.

I exfoliate My Skin

No, by erasing your dead cells you will not lose your tan! On the contrary, by getting rid of it you will give it a real boost. I opt for a natural and economical gesture by mixing my day cream with yogurt, honey and my shower gel. I rub gently all the same!

I Stalk the Slightest Ray of Sunshine!

I've just had a new look, so not a minute to lose:I'm squatting on the first sunny terrace to sip a fruit juice, I'm organizing a picnic, I'm reading in the sun, in short, I'm taking full advantage of the last rays of sun!

I thus remain the most beautiful for a prolonged and guaranteed good-looking effect!

Comments or questions? Maybe any other advice for us to keep a sunny face and a steely morale?