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Sleeping longer leads to a healthier diet

Sleeping longer each night is a simple lifestyle intervention that could help reduce intake of sugary foods and lead to an overall healthier diet, according to a new study. The study looked at the feasibility of increasing sleep hours in adults who typically slept for less than the recommended adult minimum of seven hours.

In addition, the researchers undertook a pilot study looking at the impact of increasing sleep hours on nutrient absorption. They found that extending sleep patterns resulted in a 10-gram reduction in reported free sugar intake compared to baseline values. The researchers also noted trends for reduced total carbohydrate intake reported by the sleep extension group.

The 21 participants assigned to the sleep enhancement group undertook a 45-minute sleep consultation to increase their time in bed by up to 1.5 hours per night. Another 21 participants in the control group received no intervention in their sleep patterns.

Each participant in the sleep enhancement group received a list of at least four appropriate sleep hygiene behaviors adapted to their lifestyle (such as avoiding caffeine before bed, establishing a relaxing routine, and not going to sleep too full or too hungry) and a recommended bedtime.

Seven days after the consultation, the participants kept sleep and estimated food diaries and a wrist-worn motion sensor that measured exactly how long the participants slept, as well as the time spent in bed before falling asleep.

86 percent of those who received sleep advice increased the time spent in bed and half increased their sleep duration (ranging from 52 minutes to nearly 90 minutes). Three participants achieved a weekly average within the recommended seven to nine hours. There were no significant differences in the control group.

However, the data also suggested that this extended sleep was of lower quality than the control group and researchers believe a period of adjustment to each new routine may be required.