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How many hours of sleep is enough?

Sleep is important for overall health and well-being. We spend up to a third of our lives sleeping, and the question “How many hours of sleep is enough?” remains an essential question throughout our lives. Most of us know that getting a good night's sleep is important, yet not everyone makes getting enough sleep a priority. We don't know what it feels like to be really rested. On the other hand, sleeping too much is not healthy either.

Lack of sleep for several nights can make you tired, unable to concentrate, can make you depressed and anxious, and eventually, if the rhythm continues, you can be at increased risk for diabetes, high blood pressure and obesity. Too much sleep is associated with many of the same problems.

So how much is the right amount of sleep? The amount of sleep you need varies at different ages and is mainly influenced by lifestyle and health. So to determine how much sleep is enough for you, it is important not only to look at what is recommended, but also by looking at which lifestyle factors influence the quality and quantity of your sleep, such as work schedules and stress. To get enough sleep, you have to look at the bigger picture. There have been several studies on the amount of sleep needed, and it has been found that young adults and adults need 7 to 9 hours of sleep and older adults 7 to 8 hours. For teenagers, 8 to 10 hours of sleep is enough.

How do you sleep well? To sleep well it is important to maintain a regular sleep rhythm. Also make sure that you do not take stimulants such as coffee and energy drinks before going to sleep, and that there are no disturbing factors such as lighting and electronic devices. A good bed with a mattress topper is also recommended. Because if you don't have a nice bed in the first place, you can't sleep well either.