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Effective sports in a heat cabin; that is how it works

We may have some sort of excuse because in recent months exercising has not been easy for everyone. For many of you - and also for myself - sports were back on the back burner from December 15th. Beforehand I was in a mode that I would exercise three times a week, currently that is zero, noppes, nada. Apart from a daily brisk walk with the dog, I don't do much. Now my interest was aroused by exercising in a heat cabin. A good method to get an extra effect when working out when we can get back to work.

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Sports in heat cabin; effectively lose centimeters

In the past I myself have exercised in this way in a heat cabin. So I can also draw on personal experience when writing this blog. Although I have to say that it was certainly 20 years ago 😉 . Pfff, even then I apparently already had issues with my weight.

To start with, I would like to emphasize that just exercising in the heat cabin is not enough. At least; not if you don't change your eating and living habits. After all, you don't want to work on your body for nothing, right? It is very important that you pursue a healthier lifestyle in addition to exercising. Not only to achieve faster results, but also to maintain this result when you are 'done'. That is why it is so nice that at Zlim they offer the combination of exercising in a heat cabin and support in introducing and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

The effects of corona on our health

Apart from getting sick from Corona itself, many people have experienced in recent months that all measures surrounding Corona also have an effect on our health. Initially we may have been able to exercise more, but due to the lockdown we are massively limited in that. Sitting at home a lot, moving little and yet having that glass of wine and those snacks on the table in the evening is not a good combination. Not to mention the stress caused by this pandemic.

Did you know that 50% of the Dutch are overweight? That's quite a shock!

Research shows that unfortunately we have not become healthier in the past year. Many people have arrived and the prospect of going into the summer with our corona bodies is of course not really fantastic. Fortunately, in addition to the sports that you may pick up again, there are also options to support your body extra in losing weight and getting back into shape. With sports in a heat cabin!

Sports-in-heat-cabin; get your chest wet

Don't expect to do anything. By doing nothing you will achieve nothing. Exercising in a heat cabin is also just sports. But it is very effective and I am happy to tell you why.

At Zlim you can exercise in a targeted and medically responsible manner under expert supervision in a heated cabin. Exercising in the heat cabin promotes blood circulation in skin and muscle tissue and prevents muscle soreness. Nice! By performing the exercises lying down, your back and joints are relieved. If you suffer from joint complaints such as rheumatism, osteoarthritis, arthritis or fibromyalgia, this way of exercising is extra pleasant for you. The heat ensures that you can move more comfortably. After exercising in the heat cabin, you spend another 15 minutes in an ozone therapy cabin. In this ozone cabin you can relax while the ozone oxygen stimulates your blood flow and makes your skin cells renew faster.

I found the exercise itself in the heat cabin comfortable, but make no mistake, it is really warm 😉 . So you will really lose the necessary drops of sweat, even if you do not have the idea that you are working very intensively. The heat in the cabin ensures that the exercises you do also work 'harder'. And it's really nice that your head stays outside the cabin, hahaha. That way you can still breathe.

I loved the ozone therapy myself. It feels a bit strange to sit in that cabin with your head above it, but it is wonderfully relaxing.

Do you want to know whether exercising in a heat cabin is something for you? Check if there is a Zlim branch near you for more information.

Combine sports with adopting a healthy lifestyle

Exercising alone is already very good for you and the ozone therapy in addition to the heat cabin is also an extra support. But you only really get the best results if you also look at your diet. And then it is very nice when someone with an understanding of business watches and thinks with you.

Working from home makes us much more exposed to all kinds of delicacies during this period. You walked straight to the pantry, didn't you? And staying strong on your own can be quite difficult. But if you exercise every week in a heat cabin and have a conversation with a nutrition and weight consultant, you stay motivated much better. I do know that during that time I thought twice before putting anything in my mouth;). It feels like a kind of accountability, and that's a good thing.

A crash diet is far from wise, but losing weight with healthy and tasty food is also possible. The Zlim total method is not only aimed at slimming, but also at a healthier life. And that's what we need! You will receive personal guidance during the sessions with your consultant and based on your wishes, your age, your metabolism, your physique and condition, a personal plan is drawn up that matches your lifestyle. Customized sports and food! And so you can work on a better condition, a healthier body and a tighter body without suffering from hunger.

The benefits of exercise and healthy eating

Of course we all know that it is good to eat healthy and exercise enough. But it can also help in the fight against Corona. The healthier you are, the better your resistance is. And that works to your advantage. You are less likely to get sick and if you do get sick, you will probably be less bothered by it.

Besides that, it will of course be wonderful if we can enjoy the beautiful weather with confidence again towards the summer. Sit on a nice terrace and stroll in that beautiful summer dress that you have not put on for a long time or enjoy a swim with your children in a bikini!