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Using CBD oil for complaints but also as skin care, for example

You come across the use of CBD oil more and more often. Since I have been in contact with this myself before, I thought of writing an article about what CBD oil is good for. Did you know, for example, that CBD oil is used in people who have sleeping problems? Or with stress and anxiety?

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What is CBD oil good for and how does it work?

By the way, I have never used it myself before, but my father did use CBD oil in his last phase of life to make the pain more bearable. Only then did I really get into it a bit more. Especially because friends of ours have CBD oil in their medicine cabinet as standard. They prefer to use this – if necessary and possible – than medicines prescribed by a doctor. And I get that.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not anti-medication at all. But I do think that - if there is a natural product that can also help - we should try that first. Just because we get enough junk in there already. And CBD oil works well for a lot of problems. CBD interacts with our body in various ways. In addition, it is well tolerated and is not toxic. A nice combination against all kinds of complaints.

But first:what exactly is CBD oil?

CBD is also known as cannabidiol. It is one of more than a hundred organic compounds from hemp plants, among other things. The active CBD substance is extracted from the leaves and flower tops of the hemp plant, so it is a natural product.

Many people naturally have something 'against' CBD oil. and think it can get you high, but that's a big misunderstanding. This is because CBD is confused with THC. The latter is the variant that is in weed, is illegal and provides a high feeling. So when using CBD oil you will never get high or stoned. The WHO also confirms this. So do not be too hesitant to use this oil for what it is good for. Just use common sense and the instructions for use of this product to reduce or even make your symptoms disappear.

How does CBD oil work and what is the ECS system?

Before I go deeper into what CBD oil is good for, first a little more about the effect of CBD and how it affects our ECS system.

CBD therefore belongs to a family of compounds called cannabinoids. These exist outside the body. But humans and mammals such as horses, dogs, cats but also fish, for example, contain a system of endocannabinoids. Called the ECS. This system is therefore standard in every human body and CBD has the same molecular structure as the endocannabinoids.

The ECS system plays an important role in our body. It transmits signals to our brains if something appears to be going wrong in other systems in our body and ensures that action can be taken in the form of releasing biological compounds and enzymes. CBD can act on certain receptors in this ECS, because it can attach to two receptors in our body. The CB1 and CB2 receptors. By attaching to these receptors, CBD can support the endocannabinoid system in a natural way.

In addition to supporting the ECS, CBD also influences the receptors that produce the substance Serotin and are therefore responsible for the feeling of happiness. In addition, CBD also slows down the breakdown of AEA, which researchers believe may play a role in appetite, sleep patterns and mood.

The above is explained 'in a nutshell' how CBD works. If you want to know more about this, I refer you to, for example, the Cibdol website. There you will find much more information about the effect of CBD.

Here's CBD oil good for

CBD oil works against sleeping problems

Even though CBD oil is not a sleep aid, it can certainly help with sleeping problems. The active ingredient cannabidiol helps to keep your body cells healthy. Since your body absorbs cannabinoids relatively quickly and supplements the body's own endocannabinoids with this, CBD oil can be good for your sleeping problems as a natural alternative. It ensures that you fall asleep more easily and that your sleep quality improves.

Reduce stress and anxiety-complaints

Do you suffer from an anxiety disorder or (temporary) stress complaints due to exam periods or other difficult periods in your life, then CBD oil can be good to use. I already described above that CBD influences the Serotonin substance that influences your feeling of happiness. While Serotonin on the one hand promotes your feeling of happiness, on the other hand it reduces anxiety and stress.

CBD oil can work well for inflammation and chronic pain

Various studies have shown that CBD oil can have an anti-inflammatory effect. The cytokines that play a major role in inflammation are influenced by CBD. That fact in itself is of course very positive. However, this also has a downside. Cytokines can be too active or have an anti-inflammatory effect. And CBD oil can have an inhibitory and a stimulating effect in this.

In addition, inflammation in your body has a function. They are essential for our immune system to fight infections. CBD oil is therefore good for inhibiting inflammation, but can also inhibit too well. A good dose of CBD is therefore important here.

Fibromyalgia and CBD oil

CBD oil is good for Fibromyalgia, according to research that Reuma Nederland has published. However, it is important to know that this is about medicinal oil with THC. CBD oil without THC seemed to have no effect in this study. You can read more about this research here.

Migraine and CBD

CBD oil has several pain-relieving properties as you have already read above. The oil also seems to contribute to a solution in case of migraine. Not only against the severe throbbing headache that occurs in the case of migraine, but CBD oil also has a beneficial effect on the nausea that often occurs with migraine.