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Pregnancy Ailments ABC:From Hemorrhoids and Pelvic Instability to Sweating

You could write an encyclopedia about it:pregnancy ailments. That pink cloud, that will kill you. But urine leakage? Or extra saliva production and the constant urge to spit? You may not have been warned about that. Not that we want to discourage you right now… Mother Nature has assigned this task to the strongest sex for a reason. You can handle it! Despite all the ailments 😉 . For those who want to know it all, we present:the pregnancy ailments ABC † Or actually the pregnancy ailments A to Z.

Table of contents

The Pregnancy Ailments ABC

That nausea part of a pregnancy, the average man remembers that. But there is a lot more to consider when making a baby. Your hormones are skyrocketing. With physical, but also often psychological consequences. And of course your whole body has to adjust quite a bit to that pregnancy. Consequence? Yes, the well-known pregnancy ailments. And the lesser known ones, of course. You will find all ailments below, neatly arranged in alphabetical order. A lot less fun than the maternity box, but it should still be mentioned. And if you know any additions to our pregnancy ailments ABC, we'd love to hear about it!

A. Hemorrhoids and Acne

Just to make you thunder from that pink cloud:you read that right. Hemorrhoids and acne. Neither is really something you're looking for. But a pregnant woman runs the risk of both.

Hemorrhoids during your pregnancy

When you are pregnant, the hormone progesterone relaxes your artery walls and muscles. This can also make your intestines work more slowly. That increases the chance of hemorrhoids :smooth, convex thickenings at the end of the anus. Spasmodic pressing aggravates the symptoms with hemorrhoids. Eat fiber rich and spread throughout the day. And always consult your doctor or midwife before using hemorrhoid cream or laxatives.

Acne when you are pregnant

Acne occurs during many pregnancies. Your skin may be a lot drier or more oily than normal. The term "pregnancy acne" does not exist among the pregnancy ailments for nothing. Annoying, because then you are less comfortable in your own skin and that 'glow' is hard to find. Keeping your skin clean can help. Use natural products for this. Avoid soap and alcohol-containing products.

B. Tire pain, pelvic instability, cystitis and anemia

Tire pain

Your uterus stretches quite a bit during pregnancy. And the supporting muscles too. You can tyre pain cause. A kind of stabbing muscle pain in your stomach. Tip:wear a belly band for extra support.

Pelvic Instability

Also pelvic instability is one of the common pregnancy ailments. It affects one in 4 women. You then have a constant, nagging pain in your thighs, buttocks, groin or around the pubic bone. The bones in your pelvis have shifted slightly. Everything just got a little smoother for your pregnancy. Wearing a pelvic band can help. And before that, train your pelvic floor muscles as much as possible. That also immediately helps against urine loss after your pregnancy.


Also cystitis is a pregnancy ailment that many pregnant women suffer from. When you are pregnant you need to urinate more often. That's probably not news. But this can often leave a little urine behind. That can lead to bladder infections. So pee well, ladies! If you are afraid of a bladder infection, talk to your midwife.


If you have an iron deficiency you can also suffer from anemia , a common ailment during pregnancy. You often have a pale face, you are tired, and you feel weak. Eat enough iron-rich foods to prevent anemia. Such as apple syrup, nuts, rye bread or eggs. The midwife can prescribe you an iron preparation. During your pregnancy your blood pressure also different. Blood pressure is usually a bit lower halfway through your pregnancy. Towards the end it rises again. Then your heart will work harder to pump blood for you and your baby. A slightly higher blood pressure is therefore normal. Your midwife will keep a close eye on this.

C. Colostrum

One of the typical 'pregnancy ailments' is colostrum † Co-watte? Indeed, a complicated word. But for something simple. Colostrum is foremilk. When you are about halfway through your pregnancy, your body can already start producing them. A light yellow liquid will come out of your nipples. After delivery, your breast milk consists of colostrum for the first 4 or 5 days. After that, milk production really gets going.

D. Dizziness

A well-known pregnancy ailment is dizziness † It mainly occurs in the first and second trimesters. The walls of your blood vessels become weaker during pregnancy. As a result, the blood flows more slowly through the vessels. As a result, you may feel a bit faint or dizzy. Avoid getting up or jumping suddenly.

E. Emotions

Finally one of the pregnancy ailments that my hubby also suffers from! Or yes, not directly… but maybe yours. Pregnant women can be quite emotional to be. A colleague of mine burst into tears when my hubby ate the last chocolate bar. Just saying :you are not alone and it is not your fault 😉 . The only thing you can do with this pregnancy ailment is to deal with it.

F. Flatulence

We could also have put him under the 'R' of ruften… But we are still ladies. Even if we accidentally let one fly. Don't worry, if you're pregnant you definitely have an excuse. Fart is also one of the pregnancy ailments. Almost all pregnant women suffer from it. So nothing to be ashamed of! Eat high fiber, regularly and drink plenty of water. Are you flying one? Just pretend it wasn't you 😉 .

G. Swollen… Yes, what not?

That your breasts getting a little bigger, most of us don't mind. And neither do the men. But that's not the only thing that "swells up" during your pregnancy. Yes, your tummy of course also. But the bigger you get, the heavier your body gets. So there is also a good chance that your legs and feet getting fatter. Especially after a busy day, or when it's hot. Your body also retains more fluid, so everything can swell up a bit. From your hands until your face † Nice, isn't it, those pregnancy ailments?

H. Hormones, hair and hard bellies and HELLP syndrome


Hormones :it is the common thread in every pregnancy. Both pregnancy and menopause have massive hormonal changes as a result. Your period has nothing to do with it. Many pregnancy ailments from this ABC are a result of those hormonal fluctuations. You feel emotional. But your body also suddenly 'behaves' differently. hormones; you can't live without it, but it's not always easy either.

Heads of hair

Aside from your hormone level, things can still change. Your head of hair , that is. Does your hair suddenly seem a lot fuller? Then it probably is. A nice side effect of the production of the progesterone hormone is that you do not lose hair for a while. From the 4th to the 8th month of your pregnancy to be exact. But about three months later, hair loss starts after your pregnancy…

Hard bellies

Also one of the fairly common pregnancy ailments:a hard stomach, or hard bellies † During the entire pregnancy, the uterus contracts… Don't be alarmed:every 20 minutes. You usually don't feel it at first. But later. That's called a hard stomach. Or practice contractions. Your stomach will feel tight and hard. Like a blown up soccer ball. Not nice, those hard bellies, but also not really painful or dangerous for your baby. At least if it sticks to a few times a day. Do you often suffer from this pregnancy ailment? Then your body will indicate that you need to take it easy because of the hard bellies.

Hellp syndrome

To call HELLP syndrome a pregnancy disorder might be an understatement. On the other hand, he belongs - just like the pregnancy poisoning - in this list of pregnancy ailments. It is a life-threatening complication that can develop between approximately 22 weeks of pregnancy and 8 days after giving birth. Would you like to read more about HELLP syndrome? My fellow blogger wrote an enlightening article about it.

I. Irritations

Occasionally you can feel quite annoyed to feel. This can already be caused by (you may admit that after the birth) small things. By now you know that your hormones are responsible for that. The fatter your belly gets, the more irritations. Suddenly complete strangers want to touch your belly… And you can't paint your own toenails anymore. Think of it as a trick of nature to make us look forward to childbirth.

J. Itching

Did you know that itching could also be one of your pregnancy ailments? It can affect you towards the end of your pregnancy. Your stomach and breasts may start to itch. But there are also women who are itchy all over. It is probably due to the stretching of your skin. Lubricating with oil (Bio oil for example), baby ointment or menthol powder can soothe the itching somewhat. You may also have become sensitive to certain detergents or soaps. Then go for a hypo-allergenic product from Dr. Leenarts.

K. Cramp

Up to and including the second trimester, your blood circulation is normally somewhat lower. Your baby's head can also press on certain nerves. As a result, you can suffer from cramps in your calves and legs, especially at night. † Not much to do except some nighttime stretches. Extend your legs all the way out, pointing your toes toward your nose. Then the cramp disappears on its own. Take it easy, because otherwise you'll be right against the ceiling.

L. Libido

Yes, finally a highlight in our pregnancy ailments ABC! An ailment to embrace. Many women have less sex drive at the beginning of their pregnancy. But after the first 3 months it is very normal that you more sex drive have! This is due to the blood circulation, which then increases again. Your genitals have better blood circulation then. And besides, that belly isn't in the way yet. Enjoying this pregnancy ailment.

M. Nausea, heartburn and mood swings


We already mentioned it in the introduction, it is almost such a cliché. Nausea and being pregnant go hand in hand. Almost all mothers suffer from it, especially in the beginning. But it can also last your entire pregnancy. As happened to Lisanne, who was nauseous throughout her pregnancy. You shouldn't even think about it! Hopefully it stays with you with the morning sickness of the first trimester.


A pregnancy ailment that affects approximately 70% of pregnant women is heartburn † The majority of women suffer from this more often at night, because you lie horizontally and the stomach acid can more easily enter your esophagus. The sphincter between the stomach and esophagus weakens because of the hormones. If it really bothers you, talk to your doctor or midwife.

Mood swings

Just like nausea, there are mood swings one of the typical pregnancy ailments. One minute Mama is beaming, the next she throws a teddy bear at your head in anger. Blame the hormones, daddy!

N. Nest urge, nightmares and renal congestion

Nest urge

As a pregnant woman you cannot vacuum or it is already joked that your nesting urge have. But it is a real 'pregnancy ailment'. Mother nature ensures that you want to have your nest ready before the baby comes. You already want to ensure safety and security. Beautiful isn't it?


On the other hand, you are already worried. This can result in nightmares † We're not making it up:many pregnant women suffer from nightmares. Could also have something to do with hormones. Think of it as exercise for the sleepless nights that await you in the next 18 years.

Kidney congestion

Fortunately, one of the pregnancy ailments that is not very common is kidney congestion † The uterus can pinch your ureters, pushing the contents back into your bladder. It can be more painful than contractions and cause all kinds of misery such as kidney infection etcetera. It is also possible that your kidneys no longer fully perform their function. It often occurs only towards the end of pregnancy. Sitting in particular is almost impossible.

O. Constipation

Another reason to thank your hormones. The progesterone makes your intestines work more slowly. And you can constipation yield. So, constipation, in plain Dutch. If you push harder, it can also cause hemorrhoids. So try to eat high fiber and drink plenty of water. Even half an hour of exercise a day can help.

P. Pigment spots and PUPPP

Pigment spots

Pigment spots are certainly also part of the regular pregnancy ailments. There's even a name for it:the pregnancy mask † Those are pigment spots on your face. It can especially affect you during the 2nd and 3rd trimester. They usually disappear on their own after childbirth. But they are still annoying, if you can enjoy your pregnancy less because of them. Consult with your midwife if necessary, the results of the Eucerin Even Brighter cream are positive.


PUPPP (short for Pruritic Urticarial Papules and Plaques of Pregnancy) is a pregnancy-related skin condition that causes severe itching. The cause of PUPPP is unknown. Normally, this pregnancy ailment only occurs in the 3rd trimester, so in the last 4 weeks before delivery. Fortunately, PUPPP is not harmful to the unborn baby, but possible treatment is limited due to the pregnancy.

R. Ribs and Back Pain and Restless Leggs

Rib pain

Your body has to endure more and more during pregnancy. Your baby is getting bigger and can sometimes kick hard in your ribs. Also, the pressure inside it increases because of your growing uterus. You can rib pain yield. One of the pregnancy ailments that you can do something about. Tips for dealing with that? You can read that in our blog about coping with rib pain during pregnancy.

Back pain

Your back can also get hard. The center of gravity of your body suddenly shifts to the front. This changes your attitude. And so you can back pain to get. Therefore, pay close attention to your posture. Swimming can help with back pain. Or wear a supportive belly band.

Restless Legs

Another typical pregnancy ailment:restless leggs † Never heard of it? Let's hope it stays that way. Restless leggs is a collective term for a bad feeling in your thighs, calves or feet. That can be itching or tingling, but also cramping. It usually doesn't hurt that much, but it is annoying. Just like most pregnancy ailments.

S. Saliva, stretch marks and varicose veins


Did you know that some women use excessive amounts of saliva . during their pregnancy going to make? Do you constantly have the urge to spit? And grumble at my hubby when he does that in public. Unfortunately there is little you can do about it. Yes, except for spitting.

Stretch marks

A more famous pregnancy ailment is stretch marks † When your belly starts to grow considerably, the skin is stretched. Then you can get stretch marks. Reddish streaks on your thighs and breasts. They arise because subcutaneous connective tissue tears if it is stretched too far. They change color after delivery, but they probably won't go away. What can relieve is also lubricating with Bio oil.

Varicose veins

Fortunately, this does not apply to varicose veins † Also a common pregnancy ailment. And luckily not a permanent one, but they can be annoying. Especially on skirt day. Varicose veins during your pregnancy arise because your vein walls become more flexible. In addition, you retain more fluid, which increases the pressure on the veins. Prevent varicose veins by not wearing tight stockings, and not standing or sitting for too long. When you go to rest, put your legs up a little bit.

T. Tooth and gum problems

In this list of pregnancy ailments really no body part is skipped. Did you know that you also have tooth and gum problems can get when you are pregnant? Thanks again to… your hormones . Your gums swell. It then becomes extra sensitive, and can bleed or even become inflamed sooner. So give your mouth some extra attention. Brush at least twice a day and rinse and floss after each brushing. And don't miss your dentist visit! By the way, you have to tell them that you are pregnant; X-rays or anesthetics are not good for your baby.

U. Urinary leakage

Yes, another ailment you are not warned about:urine loss † Once your belly starts to grow, your uterus presses against your bladder. It is even pushed aside. As a result, your sphincter sometimes lets out some urine drop by drop. Especially when the pressure on your bladder is increased. For example, when you laugh, sneeze or climb stairs. And, if your baby will soon take it into account… Urine loss after pregnancy is also very normal.

V. Forgetfulness and a disturbed night's sleep


Sorry that you Gestational Dementia just doesn't show up during childbirth. But otherwise the average pregnant woman forgets a lot! Do you also walk around like a headless chicken? No worries mom:that is very normal. So normal that the term pregnancy dementia actually exists. When you're pregnant, you can really get a little distracted. But when that baby arrives, you'll just be your alert self again.

Disturbed sleep

Also a disturbed sleep can play tricks on you during your pregnancy. We already talked about nightmares (at the N for nesting urge). But your belly can also really get in the way, especially later in the pregnancy. Support your body with pillows. You can also go for a pregnancy pillow.

W. Work-related issues

When do you tell your boss you're pregnant? Or that application, do you still have to go there? And how are you going to arrange childcare and daddy days? Of course they are not real pregnancy ailments. But you have to take into account pregnancy and work-related issues when you are pregnant. Make a plan during your pregnancy of how you are going to tackle everything, so that you don't have to worry about it anymore.

Y. Yoga

Have you always had the idea that it was quite floaty, yoga? Nothing is less true! And did you know that there is also special pregnancy yoga? In this form of yoga you learn to listen to your own body. End goal:start your delivery with confidence. It is really recommended if you are very anxious about the big moment. Not a pregnancy ailment, but beneficial against a lot of those pregnancy ailments.

Z. Pregnancy poisoning and a lot of sweating

Pregnancy poisoning

Pregnancy poisoning actually goes beyond pregnancy ailments. An incipient pregnancy poisoning is still treatable. But if it doesn't, it really poses a danger to you and your baby. The midwife is therefore alert to the symptoms:

  • suddenly rising blood pressure
  • non-functioning kidneys
  • sudden weight gain
  • protein in your urine
  • headache
  • poor vision


Finally, there is one last ailment in our pregnancy ailments ABC. Sweating † It also has to do with your hormones. But fear not:it is not that bad compared to the transition.

That was it, our Pregnancy Ailments ABC... Do you have an idea for the Q or the X? Or are you missing another ailment in the list? Pass it on to us, and we'll add it to the list!