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Your social media use influences your sleep

Your social media use influences your sleep

The hour before you go to sleep, it is better not to look at your phone. We know that tip by now, but do we follow it? And what about our social media use the rest of the day?

Research now shows that your phone use during the day also influences your sleep. The study used data on the nighttime sleep of students between the ages of 11 and 18 and 20 years. The results are not what you want to hear. Young people who use social media for an hour a day (WhatsApp was also included) slept less.

Quite worryingly, only 36.4% of the students who took part in the survey slept enough. No studies have been conducted in people older than 20 years. The fact is that social media and technology are intertwined in our lives. More and more is being known about the consequences for our night rest and those are not the stories we prefer to hear.