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Q&A:Can You Get Addicted to Lip Balm?

Q&A:Can You Get Addicted to Lip Balm?

Do you more often grease your lips with lip balm during cold days or do you also do it when it is less cold? Are you addicted to lip balm and can it hurt? Santé asked Marjolein Leenarts, dermatologist at the Red Cross Hospital and Burn Center in Beverwijk.

Marjolein Leenarts:“Your lips are very fragile and can therefore dry out quickly. Many people suffer from this, especially in autumn and winter. Unlike the rest of your skin, your lips contain few sebaceous glands. Sebum creates a greasy layer on the skin. Many people tend to moisten their lips by licking them, but that exacerbates the dryness. The enzymes in saliva dry out the lips even more. The message is therefore above all:stop licking your lips.”

Read also: '3 tips against chapped lips'

Addiction or habit?

“To combat dry lips, you can use a lip balm. This will add a layer of fat. Another reason to use lip balm is for sun protection. You do need a balm with a factor for that. It is a myth that you can become addicted to lip balm. It is not the case that your lips no longer produce fat when you use it or that you have to keep applying it for the same effect. However, it can become a habit to lubricate regularly. You then get used to the action. But your body doesn't depend on it, like with a real addiction.”

Choose the right product

“Many lip balms contain substances that do not contribute to the recovery of your lips. Or they are not fat enough. Products with fragrances and flavors, as well as natural perfumes, such as lavender, rose and menthol, often cause irritated, red and itchy lips. This usually makes you lubricate even more often. You then end up in a vicious circle. Many people don't believe that they can become allergic to the ingredients of lip balms overnight, but an allergy builds up. Every time you come into contact with a substance, you can suddenly become allergic. Therefore, choose a lip balm without perfume and fragrances and flavors. If you have found the right product, you can in principle use unlimited lubrication. If you have dry hands or legs, apply them too. The same goes for your lips.”