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Physical and mental problems for parents:'They are close to burnout'

Physical and mental problems for parents: They are close to burnout

Parents are increasingly suffering from health problems. That is why no fewer than seven large parent organizations are sounding the alarm.

They warn the House of Representatives about the consequences of the continuing school closure for working parents. The parent organizations are outraged about the fact that corona leave for parents has been canceled by the cabinet, De Telegraaf reports. They believe that consultations should take place again. Hopes are pinned on a debate about this in the House of Representatives on Monday 25 January.

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Corona leave makes a difference

According to Marjet Winsemius, director of Voor Werkende Ouders, corona leave can make a real difference for parents. “The consequences for parents and children are too great. Parents have mental and physical health problems and are close to burnout.” She feels that this group is left out in the cold. “They don't count.”

Problems for parents

Parents encounter several problems. For example, reports are made of parents who are obliged to go to work by their employer and then have no childcare for their children. Parents with a crucial profession are also sometimes told that there is no place for emergency care. One of the requirements is that emergency care must be expanded so that there is room for children with parents who cannot work from home.