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Give yourself a boost in just sixty seconds

Give yourself a boost in just sixty seconds

These fitness boosters only take you sixty seconds and you'll feel better immediately!

Take a cold shower for 60 seconds

Nothing gives your body and mind such an instant kick as a cold shower. Cold water puts your body in a kind of shock:your blood vessels constrict so that more blood is pumped through your body. For that reason, cold water is also good for your skin and a powerful anti-cellulite agent. Make sure that the water is really cold (10 degrees maximum) and rinse your feet first to let your body get used to it. Keep your breathing calm for optimal effect.

Read also: "How fit are you really? 10 quick tests‘

break for 60 seconds

Research from the University of Ontario shows that ultra-short interval training sessions are very effective. In the study, participants had to cycle as fast as possible for three times for twenty seconds, followed by two minutes of gentle pedaling. After six weeks, the participants appeared to have greater muscle mass, healthier blood pressure and better endurance. So plan a few mini-intervals every day:run up the stairs, sprint to the bus stop, cycle as fast as you can to the traffic light.

Breathe deeply for 60 seconds

Sit in a chair, with your feet on the floor. Set a sixty second timer on your phone and close your eyes. Inhale deeply and exhale slowly, making sure that your abdomen and not your chest move with it. Let go of all your thoughts and try to think of nothing but your breathing. This makes you relaxed and feelings of stress disappear.