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Sex can cause bladder infection

Sex can cause bladder infection

We all want a healthy and attractive sex life, but rather not the sometimes painful or annoying shortcomings that it can cause. Let's zoom in on:getting a bladder infection after sex.

Many women have had to contend with it:a bladder infection. Constantly feeling like you have to pee, only to get rid of just a few drops. And an unpleasant, burning sensation down under. What causes such inflammation and why is sex in particular a risk factor?

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In other words, a gut bacteria. That's what triggers the bladder infection. A bladder infection can be defined as an inflammation of the mucous membrane on the inside of the bladder. That gut bacteria really doesn't belong there at all. But because the urethra is short in women (much shorter than in men), the bacteria sometimes reach the bladder. So from the gut area. And yes, that also applies to your anus. Nobody wants to think about it, but in the case of a bladder infection it is mainly the bacteria of that area that trigger a bladder infection through your urethra. Hey bah. It is important that you always wipe from front to back when wiping after using the toilet. So swipe you don't accidentally bring those posterior bacteria forward.

On the road

Urologist Laetitia de Kort of the UMC explains that it is a persistent myth that a bladder infection is caused by cold. Or by standing or lying in a draft for a longer period of time. It is and remains a bacteria. It simply lives in your gut, and strikes some people sooner or more often than others. Men can also get a bladder infection. What can you do to minimize the risk? “You have to drink enough anyway. At least 1.5 liters per day. Also on vacation and when it's hot a little extra. Acidic foods such as citrus fruits make the urine slightly more acidic. Bacteria don't like this," says the urologist.


When you lie (or stand, or hang) having sex, harmful bacteria can simply move more easily through your urethra. They have more leeway. And are you one of the lucky ones who more often suffers from a bladder infection while on holiday? This is partly due to the fact that we usually have more sex on holiday. You know, something with no work stress for a while, more time, being able to sleep in and whisper after a few days because you are afraid that everyone will hear everything through the tent canvas, let go of your inhibitions. Incidentally, you reduce the risk of contracting the dreaded inflammation by urinating well after sex.