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Toothache? It can come through here

Toothache? It can come through here

Do you suffer from toothache? One of the following three things can be the cause.

1. Your cavities are clogged

Do you have a cold and do you have a toothache? Your cold could be the reason for your toothache. Your cavities end near your teeth, if they are clogged, the pressure can radiate to your teeth. If your toothache is caused by clogged cavities, you usually don't feel the pain in one tooth, but the whole area is sensitive. The pain goes away as the cavities become less clogged.

Read also: 'Flossing:before or after brushing your teeth?'

2. Your gums are receding

If you suffer from receding gums, the top edge of your tooth without enamel may be exposed. This can cause sensitive teeth. This form of toothache mainly arises when you take a bite of hot or cold food. To combat the pain, it is best to brush with toothpaste for sensitive teeth.

3. You grind your teeth at night

Many teeth grinders do not know that they are grinding their teeth. The consequences of teeth grinding manifest themselves during the day. Toothache is one of the symptoms, but headaches and a stiff jaw can also be signs that you are grinding your teeth.