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Probiotics to the rescue

Probiotics to the rescue

Sometimes probiotics can make you feel better or prevent you from getting sick. We cite a few examples.

If there is a virus in the air

By regularly taking probiotics, you are less likely to get the flu and colds in winter. “Probiotics improve the production of so-called short-chain fatty acids, including butyric acid, in your gut. This acid acts on your immune system.

This gives (flu) viruses and respiratory infections less chance," says immunologist Ger Rijkers. Exactly which bacteria have that positive effect has not yet been scientifically established and the effect may differ per person. Do you want to play it safe? Then alternate different dairy drinks with probiotics (these often contain only one type) or take a preparation with different bacterial strains. Amp up this boost by taking two hundred milligrams of vitamin C a day, which is four oranges or three kiwis. “The combination increases the resistance effect.”

Read also: ‘Ingredients rich in probiotics‘

For troubled bowels and diarrhea

A course of antibiotics not only kills the bacteria that make you sick, but also healthy bacteria. This makes your intestines vulnerable and can cause diarrhea. Research shows that the bacteria Lactobacillus rhamnosus Gorbach &Goldin (better known as LGG) counteracts this side effect. So do you need a cure? Start taking probiotics right away and keep it up for another two weeks after the cure.

Planning a holiday to a country where hygiene is not so strict? Probiotics reduce the chance of an intestinal infection and you recover faster. Use LGG and LCS for traveler's diarrhea.

Probiotics can help with constipation. Bifidobacterium lactis works best.

During a dip

Research at Leiden University shows that people who take a mix of eight prebiotics for four weeks are less prone to depression because they worry less and feel less hopeless in unpleasant situations. Presumably there are also links between gut flora and burnout, fears and even autism and ADHD. Steenbergen:"We don't know the details yet, but this is certain:to feel good mentally, you have to take good care of your intestines." The greater and more varied the number of beneficial bacteria in your gut, the greater the chance of a beneficial effect. Drink live dairy products or alternate probiotic drinks or take a preparation with different bacterial strains.