Oh, the nice sunburn!
To calm it down quickly, here is a homemade lemon-based lotion, a surprising ingredient that effectively treats sunburn.
The vitamin C contained in lemon will help your skin fight against sunburn.
The reaction will therefore be less strong and the burn less aggressive.
1. Squeeze 3 lemons.
2. Add 2 cups of cold water (about 50 cl).
3. Soak a clean cloth in it.
4. Apply the cloth to the sunburn for 15 min and repeat 3 times.
There you go, your sunburn now hurts a lot less :-)
This preparation will make the burning sensation disappear gradually, and you will be able to spend a much more pleasant night.
This remedy works very well for superficial sunburns. If you still have pain, go to the doctor, because we do not laugh about these things.