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Does shaving pubic hair increase the risk of an STD?

Does shaving pubic hair increase the risk of an STD?

A remarkable message. Can shaving pubic hair increase the risk of an STI? This is what research says about it.

How about that?
For a study, 7,580 people aged 18 to 65 were surveyed about their sex life, shaving habits and STI history. Three quarters of those surveyed indicated that they occasionally shave their pubic hair. Respondents who shaved regularly had a 3.5 to 4-fold increased risk of an STI.

Small wounds
In particular, the risk of infections transmitted through skin contact was greater. Examples include herpes and syphilis. This could be because shaving can cause small wounds, making it easier for the virus to get a grip.

Not sure
A researcher who was not involved in the study reacted to de Volkskrant:those who shaved had more bed partners on average and were more sexually active. This was corrected in the study, but condom use was not included. In addition, it was not investigated when the respondents contracted an STI. Maybe that wasn't right after shaving at all.

An interesting study, but it does not provide a definitive answer to the question.

Source:Volkskrant | Image:Shutterstock