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Does eating eggs increase the risk of heart disease?

According to a team of researchers based in the United States, eating an egg a day cannot be associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. This study has the particularity of having been conducted on a very large number of people.

No difference between eating an egg a month or a day

In a publication of the magazine BMJ On March 5, 2020, researchers from the Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health presented the results of their study. They were interested in a possible link between egg consumption and the rate of cardiovascular disease over a period of 32 years. They concluded that eating one egg a day did not increase the risk of this kind of disease.

Most study participants consumed between one and five eggs each week on average. However, those who ate more of it also tended to eat more red meat. However, they had a higher body mass index. They were also less responsive to statin therapy . These are usually used to lower cholesterol levels and thus limit the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Then the researchers included other factors that could affect the results, such as age, diet, and lifestyle. One piece of data in particular is important:people who eat one egg a day have no greater risk to develop such a disease compared to people who eat only one a month.

Does eating eggs increase the risk of heart disease?

Drink in moderation

The study conducted in collaboration with the Brigham and Women's Hospital involved three large cohorts of volunteers. If the first included 83,349 nurses (aged 30 to 55), the second included 90,214 nurses (from 25 to 44 years old). As for the last cohort, it was 42,055 men health professionals (40 to 75 years old). In addition, all of the participants had no cardiovascular disease, cancer or type 2 diabetes.

After the first phase of the study, the scientists performed a meta-analysis of 28 other studies observational. Again, no link has been established between egg consumption and the risk of cardiovascular disease. However, the researchers observed a slight decrease in risk in the Asian population in case of moderate egg consumption.

In short, eating eggs cannot pose a health hazard on one condition:you should not eat more than one egg on average per day . Indeed, the study showed that in general, people who consumed large amounts of eggs tended to be in poorer health.


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